Anyone else think the iD L is as much of a failure as the TMGO?


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gahhh.... me.want. Id l. now. just ordered on ebay and sooo impatient! august 17 is too far away...
Most of the sellers with an IDL I have dealt with one way or another... Most items from them got here in a week or two at the most... One package I got like EMS and it was SAL.... So Cross your fingers it will be shorter then what Ebay Estimates.

I love my Tama-Go... But it does get a little boring if you play it too long without anything else... (No other tamas... Figures...ETC) I LOVE my IDL, It was worth every penny and buckets of sweat of work I put forward for the money. To me, Its always improving on the Tama... Weather people like it or not. Bandai is trying to give us what we want without huge chances of loosing money.....

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Honestly, the only tamagotchis i actually like are any Tamas from the orginal p1 and p2 (from 1996) to the v3. I don't own any tamagotchis past the v3, BUT i will note a few things that i noticed that i don't like.


1) Tamagotchis are pets, not...human like things with clothes.

2) I'm really not digging the colored screen, nor the bedrooms with the drapes, doors, nightstands etc..

3) A tamagotchi battery (CR2032) can last months on end, while with the new FAT tamagotchis you gotta recharge them everyday?? someone tell me.

4) I'm seriously not feeling the whole "young" teenagers, sure, Young Mimitchi is the original and deserves his spot, as perhaps Young Mametchi too. It's just annoying because i feel like they put only half the work into the characters. It's like changing the name Jose to Joze, OOOO what a difference!! "Awesome, my Young Kuchipatchi just turned into.... A KUCHIPATCHI!!"--AHAHAHA no, just no.

5) My pets don't form bands, although i wish they did.

I own a v3, but even so, i will say that tamatown kinda over did it, and even from v1 to now, they really do need to add a day or two to the child and teen phases, these little guys grow too quickly.

Ohh and this is 100% opinion, so if you disagree with me, remember, none of us are right or wrong, we are all different beings with different perspectives. I will consider this: My first tamagotchi was the original p1 from 1996, so should it be a surprise that i dislike the newer ones??
Agreed, completely!!

I tried using my Tama-Go for a little over a week, and got into my second situation but there was just something that really started turning me off on it. A lot of it was the fact that I couldn't take it with me places, in a pocket. Just in a large side of my purse and to take it out while out and about on a bus, or even if I had to try and use it while at work or during class (even though I'll be in school next year to get my degree). So I was conflicted because of that.

I love my v3, because it's exactly what I want in a Tamagotchi, plus the fact it's so tiny! :)

Plus, your points of clothes and names - Understood and enjoyed completely :)

OK, i don't own a IDL but i do own three TMGOS and i really enjoy them! Their really cool, i like the features and how you can go to the park and change the faceplate and stuff like that. I of course do see the downsides to the TMGO like the fact that Bandai is making us pay wayyy to much for one little figure! And also the size can be quite annoying, the TMGO is quite big so it's not exactly easy to just pop it in your pocket. I wish the TMGO wasn't so big! It's really annoying to take to school or wherever because its so flippin big! I really like the original egg shaped tamagotchi where you can just pop into the pocket of jeans and not have to worry about it! But that's pretty much the only things i don't like about the TMGO!

As for the IDL, i don't even own one so i can't say too much about it. But i realllly want one because it's in COLOR and i find the shells very pretty! So what if they don't have really pretty colorful designed shells, i actually quite like how simple the IDL looks. I think the characters look quite cute! I have being reading peoples logs and they all seem to be running a IDL and liking them!! I also like how you can renovate your room and take your tama all different places!!

I also own like 9 other assorted tamagotchi like 4.5, v4, v3, v5 ETC and i really enjoy all them too! I would have to say that overall i like the 4.5, v4, v3, v5s better than the TMGO, TMGC+C, ID, IDL and all them they are just much more simple and fun to look after!


Honestly, I want an ID L or a colour SO badly it hurts. They're so much better than the TMGO, but I hardly think the TMGO is a failure. I love it. It's fantastic.

The only reason why I won't allow myself to dish out the money for an ID L or a colour Tama is because I am just sitting and wishing with all I am that they'll decide to make English versions.

The more and more I read into Tamagotchi and BanDai, the more it seems like they won't do that though :'(

So, once I start getting some more spare money to throw around, I will definitely end up getting one. All I know is that I will have a helluva time dealing with the translations. I'm french and speak English very well, but I find that learning other languages is trying.

I can help you with any language-ish stuff! In fact, I'll make a guide in Tamagotchi Tips and Tricks. No I can't understand Japanese, but I've made some accurate guesses at what most stuff means. I can read 1 word of Japanese: Download. So sad when people can't, and their iD, TMGC+C or iD L resets :( My brother has a wall chart of Japanese, so if you take a picture of what your Tama says and show it to me, I can translate :D I'll make, in Tamagotchi tips and Tricks or something, and iD L Translating Service where people can post photos of some Japanese writing on their iD L and I'll translate it! Perhaps not into English, but into Japanese words in English letters! Sorry, I'm going really off topic :(

Anyway, I still love mid-connections the most, but I think the iD L is okay. OKAY! I'M NOT SAYING I LOVE IT! IT'S JSUT OK!

I can help you with any language-ish stuff! In fact, I'll make a guide in Tamagotchi Tips and Tricks. No I can't understand Japanese, but I've made some accurate guesses at what most stuff means. I can read 1 word of Japanese: Download. So sad when people can't, and their iD, TMGC+C or iD L resets :( My brother has a wall chart of Japanese, so if you take a picture of what your Tama says and show it to me, I can translate :D I'll make, in Tamagotchi tips and Tricks or something, and iD L Translating Service where people can post photos of some Japanese writing on their iD L and I'll translate it! Perhaps not into English, but into Japanese words in English letters! Sorry, I'm going really off topic :(

Anyway, I still love mid-connections the most, but I think the iD L is okay. OKAY! I'M NOT SAYING I LOVE IT! IT'S JSUT OK!

I'll definitely try to do that, for sure. :)

OK, all I can say is, when I'm done with these stupid exams I'm gonna run my iD L and Tama-Go. It's so inconvenient, EVERYONE else gets to log an iD L, while what I get is exams and having to attempt to log a 5-human-year-old V4 with no photos! I can't run ANYTHING fun, because of studying and school! I'm the wrong age for TamaTalk because I can never run what everyone else is running :(

It's just where you are. Eventually we're going to have exams over here, so then you'll get to run whatever you want.

OK, all I can say is, when I'm done with these stupid exams I'm gonna run my iD L and Tama-Go. It's so inconvenient, EVERYONE else gets to log an iD L, while what I get is exams and having to attempt to log a 5-human-year-old V4 with no photos! I can't run ANYTHING fun, because of studying and school! I'm the wrong age for TamaTalk because I can never run what everyone else is running :(
Like Violetchilluvr3 said,It's just your location. Over here,our exams/standardized tests all all in one week in May.There's another one we take in...March?I forget when.I try my best to balance school,tamas and sports.I'm just running my iD-L at the moment and I think it's better than juggling several tamas at once. :p Try just running your favorite version,it'll make it easier to take care of because well...t's your favorite. :) You know how it works and how much care is required but don't worry about that,just play. Tamas are meant to be fun so have fun with it! :)

Butttttt back on topic,I love my iD-L!I had a green iD before and I loved that thing to death.(It's deactivated in it's package if you're wondering ;) ) The Tama-go was fun for a few months then it turned me off a bit.I like reading logs about them but I just don't like running them. :p The iD-L has to be my favorite version besides the regular iD,I love mine to death!:3 I think the downloadable games,items and foods is a plus,you'll never be bored with what it has to offer.It my opinion,Bandai Japan is doing better than Bandai America with the whole "wow factor" thing. The iD-L hasn't gotten me bored yet,I took the batteries out of my Tama-go after the 12th generation. I don't really like the Tama-go because those figures,when they first came out they were a rip off.Come on,$7 for 2 games and a shop?On the iD-L,the downloads are free.And even worse,the figures sometimes didn't register or registered as the figure that comes with the Tama-go.The faceplates are cute,you can kind of customize it.I like the colors too but come on,we could really do without the sparkles.Yes,I'm a girl but that was kind of overdone for the male Tama fans.Okay i'm done rambling now. :p

I can help you with any language-ish stuff! In fact, I'll make a guide in Tamagotchi Tips and Tricks. No I can't understand Japanese, but I've made some accurate guesses at what most stuff means. I can read 1 word of Japanese: Download. So sad when people can't, and their iD, TMGC+C or iD L resets :( My brother has a wall chart of Japanese, so if you take a picture of what your Tama says and show it to me, I can translate :D I'll make, in Tamagotchi tips and Tricks or something, and iD L Translating Service where people can post photos of some Japanese writing on their iD L and I'll translate it! Perhaps not into English, but into Japanese words in English letters! Sorry, I'm going really off topic :(

Anyway, I still love mid-connections the most, but I think the iD L is okay. OKAY! I'M NOT SAYING I LOVE IT! IT'S JSUT OK!
That would be super helpful if you make the chart thingy. I accidently reseted my tama :/ I was to lazy to go online to see which one was download or reset when I had to change the batteries. So now I'm on Gen2 On my color. I'm thinking about getting an ID later maybe for my birthday. Just out of curiosity, what does the L stand for?

That would be super helpful if you make the chart thingy. I accidently reseted my tama :/ I was to lazy to go online to see which one was download or reset when I had to change the batteries. So now I'm on Gen2 On my color. I'm thinking about getting an ID later maybe for my birthday. Just out of curiosity, what does the L stand for?
There are already resources for the +C, iD, and iD L available, usually in the Reference or Tips and Tricks sections. For example:


--Guide (includes a link to the growth and character chart if you scroll down)


--Character and Growth Chat

--Menu and Stats

--Ta Ma To Mo Letters

iD L

--Character Charts

--Menu and Stats

The "L" in iD L stands for Life, Link, Live, Love, Leader and Limited.

We have exams in May too, and even worse...RIGHT NEAR MY BIRTHDAY! Sorry bout the April 7th thing, my birthday's actually in May. I think we might even have my VERY FIRST SATS TEST on my eleventh birthday! All the more reason for my mom to want me to enjoy schoolwork...this time round I'm not going to make my birthday a Non Tama day...and I'm not gonna wake up at 6 AM...oh there's I a million things I'm gonna do to make my 11th bithday much better than my tenth...but anyway.

I can't really run Tamas, it's partly because I can't be bothered, and partly because I CANNOT WAIT for my friend's birthday in October when I'm going to give her a Tama V5 and get an identical one for myself and we can run them, and partly because I don't have much spare time on my hands because of all the homework. But, you guys get an hour's homework every night, and I get FIFTEEN MINUTES homework twice a week plus 10 spellings per week which are mega-easy and I just go "This is even easier than the last set!" and throw the spellings practice sheet in the trash can in my room. And yet, I don't think I'm in the Top Five Best Logs yet. Why? I seriously do not know. I could reduce...

1. Time spent in the shower

2. Time spent eating breakfast

3. Time spent eating dinner

4. Time spent proofreading every post I make on here

5. Time reading

6. The number of Diary of a Wimpy Kid books I stay up till midnight reading

7. The new sleeping in habit

To leave more time for logging and Tamas. Also my other obsessions. Constantly having friends over is a real time-eater, but now the old situation of thinking "Oh no, my old friends from Year 2 are coming over AGAIN! And they aren't even really my friends anymore!" is gone, I choose friends I actually WANT to hang out with for a few hours besides school. So I don't want to sacrifice my friends for Tamas. I'm also sort of getting into music. My mom introduced me to that by playing some old-fashioned pop music a few months ago, and since then, I've been memorising the lines of a lot of songs on my MP3 player. I'm surprised I didn't forget my 9x table again.

Anyway, I think I probably could reduce other things I do so I can actually run and log my iD L. Or a Music Star, for school-sneakability. Whatever. Anyway, it's way past the Computers Off time (7:30 PM) so I'd better end this post.


I have both, and I thoroughly enjoy them.

I too was a child of the 90's, so I grew up with the old school versions.

The ID L is pretty excellent, IMO. I do agree with previous posters that the more "humanoid" characters are less attractive. I like the ones that resemble pets, or aliens. That ponytchi thing is so hideous, as well as the music star guy and gal.. ew.(IMO) 'Uncanny valley' much?

I do like the characters for the vintage tamas better, but they cannot compete with the newer models when it comes to features. The ID L takes the cake. Also, the vintage aren't generational, which I think is a huge plus for the connection models.

I guess in the end, each has its' strengths and weaknesses. :)

Also, to add to the comments related to japanese tamagotchis:

I know ABSOLUTELY no japanese. nada. It's just really easy on the ID L, you'll remember where everything is in no time. I wouldn't consider that a reason to not get one. :D

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I rather like the ID-L. It IS one of the only ones in colour AND one of the only ones that has a garden. If you're still hesitant, I recommend either having a look at some of the logs that feature this certain tama or asking on another website (if you can't find the answer to your question on tama talk, which is unlikely).

Although I don't have the Id L, I don't think it sucks as much as the Tama-Go for these reasons

1. The Tama-Go is very very basic. It feels just like I was playing a V1. With the exception of the figures there is nothing really special about it

2. The ID L has a TON of new characters. Tama-Go introduced a few too but not as many as ID L. Besides we already knew about Lovelitchi and Grippatchi before Tama-go.

3. ID-L is in color. You can't really beat a color, They are so hard to get, 2nd to old vintage tamas.

And also because they have Meistertchi <3 So adorable and awesome! I think I am a fan-girl! >w<

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