anyone remember me?


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Well-known member
May 27, 2006
Reaction score
hi. my name is morgan. or TamaGirl4Ever. i haven't been on this site since i was 12. i am now 16. honestly if anyone were to remember i'd be amazed. haha. :)

i remembered this site when i decided to put a fresh battery in a tama yesterday and was like "woah.. these things used to be my life." O:

so i may be popping in and out of this site.. possibly. we'll see.


has anyone actually been here for 5+ years?

You were probably on a bit before my time, so I don't remember you, but welcome back anyway! :) Sure! There are still people on here who have been on since 2005 and there are even members who joined in 2004 but they rarely come on anymore.

Welcome back ! You joined a year or two before me, so I don't quite remember you... I hope you'll be able to stick around, though !

TT's changed quite a bit since the good ol' days, eh? >8D

And oh yes, we still have some of the oldies around. Their names might be a little unfamiliar to you since most of them have changed accounts, but they haven't left ! ^J^

Welcome back! :D

It’s always nice to see old faces (... or usernames :p ).

I hope you re-enjoy your time here!

I’ve been here since 2004 - a very long time xD. :)
