ApertureGotchi's Tamagotchi Log (With Pictures!)


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May 16, 2012

Hello, page 2!!

Oh, it's you. It's been a long time. How have you been?

-GLaDOS, Portal 2 :)

I couldn't have said any better. Well. Lots and lots of things have been happening since I last posted. My birthday happened. That was fun. I got a new tamagotchi to show you all, but that will come later. I just want to say thanks to all you guys who stuck with me all this time, and kept reading. Well, this is for you!


I decided to just start over with the iD-L. So I did. I currently have a Paintotchi. (I don't think I spelled that right.) His name is Bubbles. He has a pet named Priscilla. Here they are!


I also got a V3, the AWSOMEST one! Sorry for the bad grammar, but I love this design so much!

(Here it is with my lemon :) )



And that's the back. I haven't had time to play with it yet, but I will soon!

Lastly, here is my very favorite gift I got for my birthday. My best friend gave him to me, and we named him Fernando.


He's really bad at standing up for pictures, so I had to hold him up.

But that's all for today.



Bubbles, and Priscilla :D

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June 24, 2012

Hi. It's been a while, hasn't it? I've finally realized the reason that I didn't want to write my log. I think that posting pictures is a hassle. Yep. I said it. Don't get me wrong, I love pictures in logs. It's just that it takes a while and frankly I am too lazy to get out my camera every day, take 5 pictures out of which maybe 2 I'll actually use, then upload them to ImageShack and then rotate them, then post them. I'm sorry to all you guys who liked the pictures. But whatever. On to the logging!


Well, after I got Bubbles, I was pretty busy so I paused it and took the batteries out. I started it up again and now have a Pichipichi named Lilac. She has a pet, I'm not sure what it's called, it's the ninja-like one anyways, named Bo. That's pretty much the story, I'm hoping to try for the 32 different characters in this one. But of course, that's the goal, is it not? Hehe...

I was originally planning on finally starting up the V3 I got last April, but I realized that I don't think I'll have time to raise it properly. You see, I am leaving for Greece and Italy in two weeks, and I'll be there for almost three weeks, so I won't have time to log at all. I might bring the iD-L to play with on the plane, but I will be too preoccupied to give it much love. Hopefully, everything will go all right and I can start the V3 in August before I start school.

Ciao for now,



and Bo. :D

September 16, 2012

Oh wow. I can't believe this topic isn't closed, because I haven't updated in FOREVER. I'm not going to give any excuses. I really didn't have the time to update all summer. And for at least three weeks out of this summer, I was in a different country. (Skip to the pictures now if you don't care about my vacation stories.) I trekked across Greece and Italy, and blah blah blah, saw everything, took pictures, made friends, you get the idea. Long story short, I couldn't update.


I've been playing with the thing on and off all summer, so I have no idea how many tamas I've gone through. Currently, I have a Kaubotchi, who has more than one care miss, so I should get Bokuhostichi. I'm going to try for Kuishinbotchi, because he is the cutest thing ever.

And now for pictures :)


And here he is outside. It probably will rain sometime today, and if not then definitely tomorrow or the next day. The seasons in the toys are meant to emulate those in Japan, and September-October is typically typhoon season- very wet and rainy.


I thank all of my loyal seven followers, who haven't given up on me. It's good to know that I actually write for someone. :D

That's all for now.

Aperture, and...

...Wait. I never gave this little guy a name! Okay. His name is now Jude. I was just listening to that Beatles song and so now his name is Jude. Okay.

Let's try again.

Thanks for reading!



Jude :lol:


Oh wait!!!

I took this picture in Palermo, I think. In Italian, it means Bologna Street. I thought it was hilarious. So now you guys can rejoice in the hilarity as well.


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September 17, 2012

Wow! I actually updated two days in a row!!! A new record! ...Not really but still. :)

Anyways, I mentioned in the last post that I wanted Jude to evolve into a Kuishinbotchi. Well, with my time schedule and "special" memory skills, it didn't turn out that way. I got a Gozuratchi. Yep. Oh well. There's always next time. Plus, in my little character book, I must have treated my last Gozuratchi pretty bad because in his little picture, he looks more depressed than Melodychi would if someone told her that dubstep was all she could play for the rest of her life :) . But whatever. On to the logging!



So here is Jude as a Gozuratchi enjoying the night air before he goes to bed. Tonight, it is unseasonably clear in the sky region and he gazes with a look of deep contemplation. :)


And here he is playing with his ninja stars... (Don't tell him, but I think he takes those things a little to seriously...)


And here he is eating his favorite dish at the restaurant, ochazuke. I've never tried the dish, but Jude insisted that I prepare it sometime. So I'll add "Find Ochazuke Recipe" to my to-do list.


That's all for today.



Jude. :D


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