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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2008
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Do you get appreciated for the things you've done? I don't..

Like some of my family members left to Mexico and left my family in charge of two of their dogs. My mom just agreed but leaves me to take care of them. I have to feed them, wash them, make sure they don't bark or poop/pee and clean up the poop and pee that they do do. (No pun intended)

Twice they pooed and then my family just happens to smear the poo and they don't clean it up. They just call me over and they're like "OH they pooed over here too, clean it.".

Once my mom cleaned the poop and anytime I want her to clean shes always like "I already cleaned they're poo!" Yeah, like once!

If I don't tell anyone I did it, no. No one ever notices. :I

But most of the time I'm all "OH EM GEE, MOTHER. I did the dishes! 8D"

I dont really get appreciated much for stuff I do, except occasionally, my friends say "Thanks for helping me get an A on that assignment!"

I dont really care. Im used to it.

No, I dont have anyone saying anything to me. And if I even bring it up I get yelled at for trying to get attention. Now mother Im trying to get a thank you for once Now hushh >.>

By my friends, never. And like Weiwei, I'm used to it.

Sometimes I get really annoyed that they don't notice or do anything in return. Like I'll let them 'cheat' off my paper in a test if they don't know the answers, and when I'm the one who needs help, they'll be all ''SSSSH! DON'T CHEAT OFF OF ME!!!!!!!'' and all. Yeah it's rather unfair but as I said, I'm used to it, and I still love my friends. :)

With my family it's quite different. If I do something un-expected and nice, they'll notice it and praise me. xD My Mum knows that I'm not the type of person that'll come up to her everyday and ask if any chores need to be done and stuff, so if I just do something like that for no apparent reason, she'll be really happy, and make me happy. :3

Yeah, I feel as though I'm going on about nothing now, so I'll stop.

I think your family should appreciate this dog cleaning business, I'm sure it's not something you enjoy.

Good luuuuck!

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