Are any of you going to the PATD/CSS/TAI concerts?


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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2006
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I am going to the Sydney show on Friday and I just want to know if anyone at all is going to any of the shows.

No. But I would give, like, anything. I just have to wait, though. They need to come somewhere around me. dang my American-ness.

No Lizzy, but I would love to.

Do you think my parents would let me fly over?

Hope you have fun.


No. But I would give, like, anything. I just have to wait, though. They need to come somewhere around me. dang my American-ness.


Canada never gets shows.

The last good band that came here was The Cab in July. Before that, CiWWAF in June. Before that, P!ATD in April or May.

^ None of those bands have ever came to Nova Scotia D:

We need to start bribing them with lobster xDDD

ANYWHO, I wish I was. But unless I can hitchhike to Australia and back, no.

Can I hide in someone's suitcase to get there and back?

Okay! I have to make like a ninja and be stealthy, I now have three people to smuggle in. This is going to be fun!

Canada never gets shows.The last good band that came here was The Cab in July. Before that, CiWWAF in June. Before that, P!ATD in April or May.
I couldn't agree more :(

In Alberta, I miss out on a lot of things. Animes, Concerts etc. You name it, I've missed it :furawatchi:

I went to the Melbourne concert.

Best. Night. Of. My. Life. <3

During the break between TAI... and Panic you had a chance to meet TAI... and CSS.

I really regret not going but as soon as they put Ryan's mint green guitar onstage I refused to move.

I was hyperventilating at the sight of his guitar and when he finally came out I screamed like a maniac.
