Are Maskutchis rare?


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I have one and I wanna know if they're rare!!!!! :wub:
No, sorry. SOme ppl think maskutchis r rare. Its a rumer in some places. It may seem like maskutchis are rare, but their not. I had maskutchi like 5 times. Maskutchis r rarely rare, meaning their hardly rare. If u never get maskutchi, that means it rare to, ur tama. Maskutchis were popular on my version 2. Maskutchis r rare 2 my version 3's. I didn't get maskutchis on eather 1! What im saying is, it rare 2 some tamas, and not rare 2 others.

Actully maskitchis are the worst character you can get. (BESIDES ON V3)....................treat your tama bad..........youll get him. HES NOT ONE TINY BIT RARE!!!

Maskitichis only exist in v1 and v2, sadly they don't exist anymore in v3s. :) :angry: :D
*gasp* :lol: they don't? wow. that's just sad. and it's like what coco said. rare to some, common in others.

P.S. i don't have a v3. :D

hey i no this is totally off the subject but i hav been trying 2 get a avatar on this tamatalk and i hav gone 2 help and tried like 5 different pics but they all dont work can u help me? :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

No, sorry. SOme ppl think maskutchis r rare. Its a rumer in some places. It may seem like maskutchis are rare, but their not. I had maskutchi like 5 times. Maskutchis r rarely rare, meaning their hardly rare. If u never get maskutchi, that means it rare to, ur tama. Maskutchis were popular on my version 2. Maskutchis r rare 2 my version 3's. I didn't get maskutchis on eather 1! What im saying is, it rare 2 some tamas, and not rare 2 others.
thier not rare if dont get 1 it means u didnt spoil yer tama <_<

<_< Is like the most common adult even thought i've never had one like all of my friends have had them and I think this should be in what's on your mind!

Maskitichis only exist in v1 and v2, sadly they don't exist anymore in v3s
And :mellow: s are in V3!

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no way ive goten him so many times i reset my tama evry time i get him now!
well ok,ive gotten him 3 times but he is UGLY!!!!!!

You get different Tamagotchis depending on how good you took care of your Tamagotchi. If you take exellent care of your Tamagotchi, you mght end up w/ a Mimitchi or Mametchi.

maskutchis are BAD characters for odd generation and for even gen. the bad one is gozarutchi! :furawatchi: :)

I think Masktchis are unhealthier and "worse" than Tarakotchis. Masktchis lose hearts, especially happy hearts often. I think on odd generation, you will get a Masktchi if you only feed snacks and don't play at all, and take average to poor care, discipline almost full.

Well, I like them! That's why I make myself get them! This tamagotchi ( :D ) is not rare at all and you can get it when you treat it badly and make it weigh 99pounds. Also, you CAN get :wacko: on V3. I have it on my V3 right now.

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