Are Tamagochis getting Boring and annoying?


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Well-known member
Oct 18, 2005
Reaction score
Florida, Fl
I have noticed, alot of people come on Tamatalk and really don't care for tamagochis. I lately have been feeling a little this way, here is why.

I wake up in the morning, and you know what i hear? BEEP!BEEP! It is so annoying! then You have to feed it, and it gains like 20 pounds! Most of the time you feed it a bunch of food and snacks to shut it up.

Then you have to play a game for excersize, like 50 times, for it to lose weight! :eek: That takes alot of time!

Then it Often gets sick, and Annoied, You want to go to the movies or go somewhere, you have to pause or reset it. Cause it will die X.x''

In school (For ppl who go) It has risks of being confiscated or stolen >.<' Also people want to touch it and use it all the time! :angry:

People laugh at you for having it, alot of people are ashamed of showing their tamagochi's to alot of others.

They are hard to keep clean, dust constantly colects on it, and its gets oily and smudged, You have to find a proper brand of bateries of they will go out in like 2 weeks <_<

I love my Tamagochi, alot and i love to take care of it but its A.L.O.T of work and effort, I sometimes Ignore it cause its such a responsibility, But who dosen't?? i just want to know, do you feel this way sometimes?


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I thought that I was the only person who thought that.

And I know that I couldnt live without my tama because when its battery went flat I felt so bored.

well, I usually pause my tama if I dont want it to bother me <_<

and if it wakes me up in the morning, I´ll just pause him and I´ll go back to sleep- and when I wake up, I have the whole day to play with it! :angry:

I loved Tamagotchi before I got one. I played with my neighbours, because she let me. There are no risks of getting a stolen Gotchi at school, because people think Tamagotchi are old and stupid at my school.

a year or so ago i got bored of it and paused it for so long and the batteri got killed. anywayz i saw the v2 come out + mini.. still didnt want one i got a pixel chick. that was stupid and anoyying and 30 BUCKS! anywayz later i wanted mine back so i got a v3 and got a new batteri. now i play with it but when its a adult i just give it snacks and play whenever. yah

take a break if you want. lolz ;)

ps: this stupid kid in my school stole it from my HOUSE so dont think anyone wont steal it. also some kid saw me with one and said "'my name here' plays with stupid tamagotchis!" if he ever does that again il say "at least im not gay." i mean queer gay lolz yah i can be nice to like tamatalk people but him he swore at me and my friend cuz we just said that his girlfriend was running after him though it was just a jogger.

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Well, I have had my first tama since the 16th of September, 2004.

But I don't have that one anymore. But yeah.

Well, when I first got it, I loved it more then anything. And before I got my first Tama, I had my digimon. I started to ignore that, Then it the battery died. But I wasn;t paying any attenetion to it anyway.

Then I got my other tama. I had two verion 1's. Still loving them.

Then I got my v2, But I started paying more attenetion to my v2.

Then later on.. I don;t know but I got kinda bored.

But then I started getting back into them.

Then back out.

It just keep doing that.

Then my friend (jametser) started to like them, And then I got a new battery for mine so we could connect and stuff.

Then she got a v3.

Now I love them again.

But, I have to admit they can be pretty annoying.

But I still love them.

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