Are the guys/girls around you crazy?


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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2007
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Well I just got a message from the lamest person in my class besides my looser and he was all 'Heyy Van, I was wondering if you'd go out with me sometime... blahablahablha" I was just like '0_o loser' xD

So have you ever had something liek that happen to you?

theres a kid in my math class and when i walk in he says "hey catherine" so then i turn aroung with a skared face on

Somewhat. xD

One of my best guy friends is out of town, to see his best friend, Blake.. They took the time to call me and see what I was up to. Then Blake e-mailed me and told me I sounded hot. (I have no idea how he figures..)

Me and my best friends are crazy. We're having a half birthday party for two of us the 26th. xDD

Otherwise, there are some slightly creepy people in my grade. They act like it as a joke, though.

Most of my friends are crazy. xD

We do the most retarded things and act like we're perfectly normal. If that even makes sense..

We were really bored once so we glued a copied - yes, copied money- a 50$ Bill and glued it to the floor of Target..That was hilarious!! xDD Like 20 people tried to pick it up, until a salesperson came by and threw us out. D:

Haha. I don't consider myself normal. I mean, how many people do you know hugs third graders? Its like wtheck?

yea theres this one guy named henry who follows me every were, hes scary and perverted and he thinks hes cool, hes like "hey rene, whats shakin?" and he puts his arm around me (ya u heard me, PUTS HIS ARM AROUND ME *SERIOS SHIVERS*) and then i shake him off and walk away, i even hear him say to the person next to him "yeah she digs me" time he even GRABBED MY BUT!!!!!

i like being crazy, my friends and i do weird stuff like "how many ppl can u hug in five minutes" contests, and we hug every one and they dont no why, somtimes we go up to ppl and say "omg i havnt seen u in so long!" even though we dont no them, or we hide in the clothing racks at mervins and wisper "pick meeee, im the shirt u want! pick meeeee!" to the ppl looking at shirts!

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