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Well-known member
Nov 17, 2005
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Chapter One - Was it a Ghost?

Tabby cycled down the foggy path. She shivered and propped her bike up against the cold stone wall. Where was she? Tabby had never gotten lost before, but Tamaplanet was a big place and it was easy to get lost. There she stood, cold and shivering with not a thing apart from her bike. She sat down on the wall. Am I going to be lost FOREVER? She thought. Suddenly there was a deafining squeal which made the little Ichigotchi head jerk around. There was a loud scream of "AAAAAaaHHHHHhhh!!" but no car came. Nobody. Nobody until there came a faint flapping sound coming from the left. It was Amy, her Puroperatchi sister. Tabby burst into tears "How lucky you found me!" she cried "I would of been stuck here all my life!" Amy paused and looked at Tabby "Where on ea- TAMA PLANET have you been?" "Oh Amy, I'm sorry!" Tabby squealed "But did you hear it?" "Hear what?" asked Amy "So you didn't hear anything?" asked Tabby "There was a squealing of breaks and a loud scream!" "Stop telling lie's, Tabby! We need to get home. It's just down that road..." When they walked along the path all Tabby thought of was Amy and the car crash. Why was there no car? she thought And Amy always belives what I say! Something's strange...

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