Are you a...duh duh duh...Christian?


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I'm somewhat Unitarian Universalist. From the Wiki:

"Unitarian Universalists (UUs) believe in complete but responsible freedom of speech, thought, belief, faith, and disposition. They believe that each person is free to search for his or her own personal truth on issues like the existence, nature, and meaning of life, deities, creation, and afterlife. UUs can come from any heritage, have any sexual orientation, and hold beliefs from a variety of cultures or religions."

I don't let religion stand in the way of things that I think are more important. My best friend is Jewish. I always defend her in those times when she's teased about her religion.

I go to an Episcopal church though, and sing in the choir. (half because most of my friends that don't go to my school I met there)

I don't EXACTLY believe in God... I do to a point. I believe in evolution, but I think God might exist.

I'm unsure of my religion.

Tamagirl 101, People on LSD have also witnesses visions of Jesus. I thought I saw God when I was on acid, so I will not consider that evidence. People with scitzophrenia have also witnessed visions of Jesus or God. Yes, Jesus was a real person. And yes, tamaw/pants, none of those things (the cross, the ark, the tomb) have been proven as actual factual things. However, evidence that these things might have existed is out there! I believe that some of the stories in the bible were true, but eggagerated. I also believe that Jesus was a real person.But who said I don't believe in God? I do, I believe we're all God, God is life, death, God is that everything/nothing emotion that humans can't comphrehend. Everything = nothing, we can't compute that in our human forms. I believe that we're all just one big mass of energy, and that is how I precieve God. That huge mass of energy.

When did I say that mentioning God or Jesus is offensive? Please, talk about Him. I don't find it 'offensive', or rude at all. In fact I'm not sure where you got that from, tamawpants. Not once did I mention anything along the lines of it.

And the thing is, that even if all of our evidence was here, you (and other Christians) would choose not to believe in it, because it goes against the book of God.

So why should I even bother being calm about the subject, when I know no matter how I act, I won't get through to you. It's a loose/loose battle. I can't be calm because you won't take me seriously, and I can't be angry because you see me as a radical lunatic! *sigh*
I would have to say that yes, so called visions and such is not proof.

There is something put in hearts that you at least wonder is there a god. Consider this- as far back as anyone can tell there have always been some sort of god. Wether it be the Roman or Greek gods or goddesses or the sun god of a native american tribe. You never find an aithistic tribe. Even if they were cut off from all other people they still have a god like figure. That makes me wonder, if there isn't a god, how do all these people even think of there being a higher power?

The Bible is actualy pretty credible. I could go into that, but I'm not an expert on the subject but can find out some for you if you want. I'd be happy to.

Radical lunictic?! No way! I respect you and your opinions and what you believe but it makes it really hard to have that respect if you curse and use a bunch of capitals. ;]

It's not really a lose/lose thing- sure, you aren't going to make me believe evolution and I can't make you believe in God but I have learned alot in debating with you- about what I believe and also what you believe too.

As I said, we both believe in God, our preceptions of Him (or it) are just different.

SOOO WE'RE ALL A BIG HAPPY FAMILY NOW! What an interseting debate!

Now, back to the original topic, what does everyone else believe in?

As I said, we both believe in God, our preceptions of Him (or it) are just different.
SOOO WE'RE ALL A BIG HAPPY FAMILY NOW! What an interseting debate!

Now, back to the original topic, what does everyone else believe in?
Well then you believe in god with a lower case 'g'.

Anyways, that's why I love to debate. ;]

i am of two religions, catholic and...(i won't tell you the other one because i've lost freinds over my second religion.)

I strongly dislike when atheists and otehr religions pinpoint Christians and yell and scream about how we "shove" our religions down their throats.

Why does everyone think being religious, is being "rated G" all the time, and being suckups?

I'm Christian, but I'm not very religious. xD

And, you wanna know what I believe? I believe that *removed* should learn to respect other peoples opinions. :|

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i am of two religions, catholic and...(i won't tell you the other one because i've lost freinds over my second religion.)
If I know what religion it is, I would be -very- disappointed in your friends. Even if it isn't the one I'm thinking, it's still no good.

I am a tight Christain

But i have nuthin against anything eles

My mom was brought up Cathlict, i have gone to Mas,...

Now, i dont belive in what they belive, but, im not making fun of it

I belive in Jesus christ as savoir and lord

I think its neet to here about diffrent religins :D

I'm not Christian, I'm Wiccan.

I'm looking into this "Jesus Camp" movie as it seems fascinating.

I always suggest people watch "The God Who Wasn't There" (I have it on DVD), it talks about how Jesus's story is the same hero setup as people that came before him, being the son of a god and performing miracles, etc. It talks about how in the Bible he is "missing" for 30 years and all the other facts that make Christianity seem... Incorrect I guess, for lack of better terminology.

It also talks about how a lot of Christians just ignore the facts and just keep on believing, even though there's proof against some of the beliefs, etc.

It's an interesting topic, I won't step in too much (although, if I tell my fiance about this thread, I'm sure he'll come posting), but I am going to lurk and look more into that documentary... :D

Well, I ended up finding about 20 minutes of the movie on YouTube (in a couple different parts and clips) and.... WOW.

I think it's a bit crazy and extreme what they are doing. Church and state should be separate, also, so.......... I'm still just shaking my head at the movie. I mean, seriously, these kids aren't given a choice, they are being brainwashed and that lady pretty much said she's okay with that.

Also, this camp has basically no respect for other religions and is really trying to push it down the nation's throat.

I lol'd at the part about Harry Potter... She tried to compare that to something real, saying if he were in the old testimate (sp?) Harry Potter would've been put to death or some crap. Uh, hello, IT'S A BOOK.

*palmface* I don't know what else to say, I really do want to get that on DVD, though, and watch it all.

Oh, the DVD I mentioned before, here's the site:

I do NOT believe in: GOD, Jesus or any thing like dat. i belive in scinece and technology. And evolution and that metiors

formd the earth.SCREW RELIGON

I do NOT believe in: GOD, Jesus or any thing like dat. i belive in scinece and technology. And evolution and that metiorsformd the earth.SCREW RELIGON
It's rather rude to attack religion like that. Alot of people believe Atheism is a religion all it's own.

If you don't agree with it, you can say so, but there's no reason to attack it.

I do NOT believe in: GOD, Jesus or any thing like dat. i belive in scinece and technology. And evolution and that metiorsformd the earth.SCREW RELIGON
No need to get harsh about it, you could've left off the "screw religion" part.

I ended up finding more of that movie on YouTube--I watched "BigAl Rants" and he gave his comments in between clips, which were sorta funny.

I love how that Beck lady said that they aren't teaching the kids anything to do with politics, basically, yet they were praying over a George Bush cardboard cutout. :mellow:

B-b-busted! :)

But is this movie actualy a fair, unbiases representation? By the sounds of it, it isn't the typical Christian camp [or lifestyle].

but i do belive in mgic and sana b cause im not allowed to sleep in the living room... + i had a losse toth and it fell outu and i told my parents that i was goin to put it under my pillow that nigt... but i pu it under my pillow the next night and i got a toone and too loonies + my household and i and my dads family do NOT belive nd my mums family (but not my mum) R tryin 2 shove it down my throat

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