Are you a...duh duh duh...Christian?


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Lol, I do that sometimes too! xD

But see the thing is, according to us, we know where we're going when we die. So we're good, but we still can have a relatioship with God and that's the reason we go to church and prayer groups.

And that brings me back to what I said before, you can't have a relationship with him unless you go to church, etc.? :huh:

And that brings me back to what I said before, you can't have a relationship with him unless you go to church, etc.? :huh:
You can, but I believe it builds a much stronger bond with him.

It's always comforting to know the one who loves you most is always nearby, I suppose.

I'm not religious but I have a tiny bit of Muslim influence... I don't eat pig product.

I'm sort of Jewish, just because my dad's parents were, so its more tradition than religon. Anyways...I don't really believe in God, neither does my inner family (mom and dad) I believe in science and evolution. However, I respect what other people believe and don't tease them about it.

However, they still tease me.

I thought christian and catholic were the same thing!*LoVeLy.SwAn.23* :)
Christianity is broad, there are different sects of Christianity.

I don't know all of them, but Lutheran and Baptist and Methodist and Catholic, etc., are all sects of Christianity.

They have a lot of the same base, but vary on specific things (I think most variants have to do with Jesus, because I know one believes that he was married with kids, one believes he had brothers, etc.).

Christianity is broad, there are different sects of Christianity.
I don't know all of them, but Lutheran and Baptist and Methodist and Catholic, etc., are all sects of Christianity.

They have a lot of the same base, but vary on specific things (I think most variants have to do with Jesus, because I know one believes that he was married with kids, one believes he had brothers, etc.).
There are so many different sects of Christianity, it would be almost impossible to name them all within one post.

I do NOT believe in: GOD, Jesus or any thing like dat. i belive in scinece and technology. And evolution and that metiorsformd the earth.SCREW RELIGON
Jesus Christ >_> No need to be rude. I ACTUALLY am a Christian, though I do help but wonder if God is the altimate being, how was he created?

But anyway, if you say screw religion, two can play at that game. Screw Technology

Jesus Christ >_> No need to be rude. I ACTUALLY am a Christian, though I do help but wonder if God is the altimate being, how was he created?
But anyway, if you say screw religion, two can play at that game. Screw Technology
First off, it's spelled "ultimate." :(

I think that the thought behind god is that he "is always there and always was." Nobody created "him," etc. I really don't know if that's what you're supposed to believe or not, just what I was always told.

And... *Gasps* Screw technology? *Cuddles Tamagotchis* It's okay, Darlings, she didn't mean it...


I wouldn't be talking bad about technology, as I'm a huge fan. :eek: I'll sick my AIBO on you. :D

First off, it's spelled "ultimate." :(
I think that the thought behind god is that he "is always there and always was." Nobody created "him," etc. I really don't know if that's what you're supposed to believe or not, just what I was always told.

And... *Gasps* Screw technology? *Cuddles Tamagotchis* It's okay, Darlings, she didn't mean it...


I wouldn't be talking bad about technology, as I'm a huge fan. :eek: I'll sick my AIBO on you. :D
Oops! *huggles Ino and Robby* Im sorry Tama's!

Aibo's are cool XD I guess Technology is cool

I guess it seems like way too much out-of-the-way attention to the religion. I mean, you live by it AND go to mass, camp, study, etc. With being Wiccan, you just live. Follow good morals, have the right ideas in your head, and live. As long as you don't hurt anyone and respect living things, you're pretty much fine. ;)

I guess I figure that religion really is a setup for when you die. Gives you what to believe in for after death and tells you how to live to get to the right place. So I feel that you shouldn't be spending so much time of your life worrying about where you're going after you die.

....I forgot where I was going with this. :wub:
i highlitted it in bold

What is that?

i highlitted it in bold
What is that?
It's a pagan religion which varies which each person. Some wiccans believe in worshiping the goddess Iris [iris?], other are environment worshipers, ect. You could ask MsKitty for more details. ;]

Oh, and to answer your questions: Christians believe no one made God. God is not bound by the laws of nature [mass is neither created or destroyed, gravity, ect.] because He created them.

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Yes, Wicca... Pagan... I don't worship a goddess, I believe in Gaia (the living earth) and big in reincarnation, nature, and how everyone is connected (and eventually we reach the end, which is really the beginning, and merge with Gaia and that is the "ultimate.") And, as I've said before, I believe in Karma (whatever you do comes back three fold, good or bad) and the Chaos Theory (butterfly flaps its wings in one place in the world, thus creating a hurricane of the coast of another place in the world, etc.).

What parts of science do Christians believe? I just keep thinking of that part in Jesus Camp where the mom tells her son that "Science doesn't prove anything."

Also, there's a "book of creationism" used in place of a Science Book in the movie and I want to know what all is in it... As BigAl said, as far as he knows it should just be a front and back cover with one page in the middle saying "God created everything." I mean, what else is there to creationism?

I think the Christians are very stereotyped into science haters with is totaly wrong. Obviously I can't say everything that we believe in science because alot of it we actualy do believe. Actualy alot of scienctists were/are Christians. If you ever seen Body Worlds [where they take the skin off people, make'em plastic, anyways, it's science] a majority of the people who donated their bodies were actualy Christians. When science wasn't as advanced and people believed the earth was flat there were some picture drawn by Christians showing the earth as is really is, round.

Adaptation and evolution are not totaly wrong and many Christians just think of those term as 'bad terms' but that's untrue also. We believe God created this world, all of the animals, people, everything. And things change and adapt BUT we do not believe that we all just came from a single cell, to amiboes, to monkeys.

Did that kind of help?

And as to what else is there in creationism? Well really, I can't tell you about the book because I've never heard of nor seen one before but maybe it shows topics in sciece through the views of creationism. Some topics will be the same but some will also different through the eyes of evolutionists than creationists. That may not be totaly accurate, but that seems like what it would be like.

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Hello------------ I am a christain and it isn't becoming a cult everyone has the chioce to become whatever OKay

Hello------------ I am a christain and it isn't becoming a cult everyone has the chioce to become whatever OKay
You're a little late, the discussion is a bit different now. :(

@ tamaw/pants: That did help explain what I was questioning, thank you.

Of course, I still don't agree with it, but now I understand better the "opposing" opinions. :angry:

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