are you a girl


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I'm a girl. But a tomboy. I can do *well, almost* anything boys can. This is a bit sexist.

Lol, does everyone have to say it's sexist in every post?? o.e

Anyway, I'm a girl. A woman :eek: well, not yet.. x33

Ima lady, not a gentlemen. 8D

I think that guys and girls are both capable of being strong and smart.

Gender shouldn't predict capability in many cases.

Arn't some of the things you added a tad sexist? I've read about 5 posts saying that they are a girl, and they kick butt. And guys can be really, really smart.

Anyways, Meh is a girl. I take karate, I skateboard, and I hang out with guys all the time. I am SUPER skinny (I had anerexia and had to stay in a hospital eating sludge out of a tube for 6 months. X_x) and Im a complete tomboy.

My friends think that if I changed my username to something that doesn't have the word "girl" in it, everyone would think I was a boy. They also said that I am living proof that girls can do anything boys can. O:

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Um I don't get it. I am a girl, but not all girls are skinny and girls are strong and boys can do anything girls can do and girls can do anything boys can do!

Im a gentalman
I dont belive that girls are smat and boys a strong

Some guys are the smartest people in the world

And some girls kick butt ^_^
hear hear :)

I M a girl, but I kick butt, and break noses (...) Dont ask.......I am also very strong, not so fast, and very, very smart =)

I think it is a tad bit sexist, couldnt you just say 'Boy or Girl' not all the steriotypical stuff?

xD I broke someone nose once.. By accident :3

I am a girl and I'm pretty smart, but I'm not very fast, or like super skinny.

[SIZE=13pt]Not all girls are skinny, as me for example. (xDD)[/SIZE]

Not all boys are strong.

Not everybody is smart, if EVERYBODY was smart, we could end world hunger and cure uncurable diseases. =3


I'm not too smart, but then I don't act like I don't know what 2+2 is.(Its four. xDDDD)

I'm not skinny, but then I'm not obese.(That would be horrible. I feel bad for people who have to struggle.)

My name pretty much answers this poll XD. And you didn't have to necessarily say boys were slower because I know alot of smart boys and stuff so ya lol and I'm slow so ya lol.

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xD I broke someone nose once.. By accident :3
I am a girl and I'm pretty smart, but I'm not very fast, or like super skinny.
Dittoz for breaking someone's nose.

Except I broke my sparring partner's nose during a tournament. And he never let me live it down. Even if I told him it was an accident 50 times.


^ xD ya, I got mad at my friends cousin so I punched him =3

EDIT cousins's friend ^^

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