Are you a scaredy cat?


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Active member
Sep 28, 2007
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I just want to know how many of you are like me LOL

I love scary movies, except, my mum says they'll scare me. D:< Is not cool. I want to see Saw The Ring, you know, the scary ones, but my mum's all, "Now, don't. You'll make yourself scared." Just because when I was A LOT younger, I couldn't turn a corner without my parents. :/

I love scary movies, except, my mum says they'll scare me. D:< Is not cool. I want to see Saw The Ring, you know, the scary ones, but my mum's all, "Now, don't. You'll make yourself scared." Just because when I was A LOT younger, I couldn't turn a corner without my parents. :/
Ok, dude, I did this poll because I am more scared than the biggest scaredy cat in the world.LOL

I seriously am a big scardey cat. I can't even watch scary commercials. If my dad was flipping through the channels and stops on a scary commercial, I'd be "DADDY! CHANGE THE CHANNEL! IT'S TOO SCARY!!" x] And sometimes I get so scared (by jus watchign the commericals) that I can't go to sleep.

I is weird like that...

I am afriad of stupid things: Being social, giraffes, heights, giraffes, loud noises, giraffes, preppy people, and... worst of all... Giraffes.

But I love scary things: Scary movies, Scary... anything.


I am a scaredy cat... In a way!

I'm fearless! - sees a bug - Ah! - jumps on chair - LOL I am fearless though I'm not scared of anything really besides needles and fire and other dogs besides mine >_<!

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Now that you got me thinking about it, not really!

But if there was a HUGE spider or someone chasing me around with a huge (Real) knife then I would probably scream my lungs out xD!

[SIZE=27pt]I'm a HUGE Scaredy cat! xD[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt] My friends usually sneak up on me and surprise me. X_X[/SIZE]

Because they know I'll scream every time! Lol. Even if I know their, there. They still try to scare me. And I'll still scream! x]

I dunno...Loud sudden noises and movements freak me out. [SIZE=30pt] X_X[/SIZE]

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Yeah....., I'm a really big scaredy cat!!,

I'm scared of, heights , loud noises , wepons , blood and, but most of all I'm scared of a person coming into my house and doing bad stuff (e.g kill me, steal stuff , smash windows , kill my family ,ect...)

so you could call me a scaredy cat!!

I love scary movies and I LOVE those crime shows. C.S.I and the Crime and Investigation channel is my favourite channel. The only thing that scares me is normallity. I'm serious about that! Serious non-fun or normal people scare me...

Well, I'm a wimp.

I've never seen a scary movie.

The scariest movie I've seen is Harry Potter.

I don't know if any of you guys remember an old signature I had back on my previous account, something like, "I'm that girl who can watch a hundred scary movies without flinching, but screams her lungs out when the toast pops out of the toaster."

So not true. xD

I'm so much of a scaredy cat it's ridiculous. I've never seen a horror movie in my life, because the trailers make me want to cry. If I'm watching TV and there's something even slightly eery or paranormal, I'll switch it off immediately and go and find something to take my mind off things. Clowns and dolls terrify me, due to stories I heard last year. One moment that scarred me for the rest of my life [i'm not even joking] was when my friend told me about a doll who killed people in the night. I became a changed person. I couldn't be alone, darkness made me scream, I banished all dolls from my room, and so on.

I'm pretty much over that story now, not as paranoid, but I can't sleep without covers for fear of being grabbed or something. And, I found a solution for every time I get scared. I pray, then I sing 'My Favourite Things' out loud.

I know - I'm absolutely pathetic. xD

This is something where Esther and I relate.

I can't really say much more without repeating what she said. xD

All I can say; I am scared of absolutely everything. I can find something scary in every single movie I watch. Clowns and dolls also terrify me. I start crying when I watch my brother play freaky video games. I'm scared of the Twilight series. I try to stay as far away from ants as possible.


I'm scared of Spiders. Ants, Bugs in general.

If I have hairspray on hand, I'll spray them to death with hairspray, or perfume, or something chemicalish.

Needles. My own blood [except for like, You know. monthly moments blood]

And most of all, Socializing. Being around large crowds of people is my biggest fear. I'm the one who stands in the back.

Last year, My Mom made me see a bunch of Counselers.

They all thought I had problems, because I'm not a people person. To them, that wasn't normal.

One Counseler even thought that i should be put into a Psychiatric Hospital.

I guess, to be Normal, I should become a social butterfly. Yeah right.

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