Are you a Tama torturer?


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Are you the person who sits there whatching TV all day listening to your tamas beep until they get a

  • Yea! The beep is music to my ears!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kinda... I torture half and over-pamper and protect the others.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I only do it when I'm too involved in my favorite show.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No! What are you talking about! I love it like my own!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Sometimes you've got to be cruel to get certain characters.

Noo! I can't bear to hear them beep and not take care of them!

They're like my little family in plastic cases. ;3;

My tamagotchi's keep dying cause I change the time so they're sleeping during school hours, but I always forget to set it back before I go to bed, so I dunno.

I can't stand putting them on pause...

I never torture my tamagotchis.I let them connect and have fun.They are my family.My parents know that Im ubsessed with them.I feed them there three meals at the same time that I do. :blink:

I'm kinda a half-and-half person myself.

I tortured one a little by accident and got a young Memetchi!

that is why I will torture them to the brink of death then heal them up again.(usually by accident :blink: )

With one Tamagotchi I am! XD

With my fake tamagotchi I just let it sit there all day....beeping....sick and hungry. It's still sitting there. It's been like that for days; hasn't died. I care about all my others but that one; I think it's because it's fake. o_O For some reason, I used to love watching my tamas as they sat there sick. c.c Ahhhh! I'M EVIL! XD


NO! I don't want mine to die because I want to get up to genoration 20!!!!!! Sometimes I feel like it because I am randomly frustrated but I refuse to because I don't want to end up evil! I only do that occaisonaly when my tamagotchi has a teletchi because the teletchi ing is kind of annoying! I just feel some sort of hatred to teletchi stages....

well i usually experiment with them (btw i got new ones since my old ones broke) , like one of them i'd neglect it, feed it to much, hardly play games with it, and the other one i wouldnt leave it alone so it would usually be a mametchi, (thats what i got on my first try when i first got a V3)

My tamagotchi's keep dying cause I change the time so they're sleeping during school hours, but I always forget to set it back before I go to bed, so I dunno.
I can't stand putting them on pause...
Why do so many people hate putting their tama on pause? ;)

Anyway, I'm not a tama torturer XD I look after mine :lol:

Why do so many people hate putting their tama on pause? :p
Anyway, I'm not a tama torturer XD I look after mine ;)
It's because pausing wastes the battery. I'm not a tama torturer! I would never harm my little

tama friends. My sister's tamagotchis always die though...the same tama died like 3 times in a row once!

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