Are you Admin


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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2005
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I looked at the Admin's profile, and found that he was born on September 15 1905! Is this true?

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Stand corrected 100 years old this year.

Who knows...Admin is very mysterious one. Don't even know if they are male or female. I've always went with hes male myself but I've seen them call him female. I don't think he lying about his age but if he is how old are you? If you are 100 I give you congrats. Lots of older people don't anything to do with computers. My grandfather just bought one and he 72 and still learning.

I think Admin is a female, but I seriously doubt she (or he) is 100. But if so, congrats! ;)

There was a thread like this in Comments And Rumers not to long ago. Lol...

I have never knowen if Admin is male of Female aswell.

I really wish s/he would tell us at least what gender s/he is.

I think that s/he is such a mystery with every thing I mean look at s/hes profile it is just a mystery.


lol probably, but i doubt see is 100, because hardly n e 1 lives to 100 and admin doesn't sound like she is v old!

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