Are you afraid of needles?


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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2006
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imaginary land
I ask this because I had a checkup today, and I got not one, not two, but THREE injections. XD I'm not afraid of needles, so I was okay.

I used to be afraid of needles. But after I started taking something that required frequent blood tests, I got over the fear.

I was never afraid of needles... I just thought about chocolate chip mint icecream and then i didn't feel a thing ^.^

my older bro on the other hand.... *he used to hide behind the doctor's door*

nah i take hand fulls and feel up my aunts doctor office.

and i pierced my own nose so yeah...and my second hole in my ear

I fear no needles.

<.< >.>

Infact when I was younger me and my friend would stick our fingers with them.

I accualy think needles make me feel better.


nah i take hand fulls and feel up my aunts doctor office.
and i pierced my own nose so yeah...and my second hole in my ear
Owch! >.<

Do you have high pain tolerance levels?

My friend pierced her cartiledge [both ears] and belly button. She had safelty pins stick through them [soo safe xP]

I HATE NEEDLES!! They are the evil spawn of Satan! I know I am over reacting but the first needle I had made one of my veins burst and it was gross so I hate them now!

I think I never took a shoot. o.o'

I don't know, I never seen how sharp those needles were, I probably wouldn't be scared, probably. :(

I don't like them, but I'm not afraid of them.

Infact, when I was 4, I got an injection. I burst out laughing and go "That tickles!" xDD

& if you've have bloodwork, you know what I'm talking about!

They leave this needle in your skin, and you watch blood fill up this HUGE tube.

It makes your arm feel... WEAK!

It was 3 minutes before they could take it out! I was scared. :wacko:

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