Are you an evolutionist?


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Not really. I don't really know what to believe. Nothing has ever been proven, and at the moment it's all just theories. I like solid evidence. So I suppose I'm just going to remain neutral.

Well, they recently found a fossil footprint which is older than any other fossil found on land.

Opens a whole new book on evolution.

My views are complicated. Yes, I believe in evolution, but something must have done something just to set off the creation of the Earth, and evolution can't really have happened on it's own. I mean, take a giraffe. Lets say it was evolved from something like a horse (just for easy explaining). It's neck can't have just streched out over time, because a physical change happening to an animal can't be passed down, because only genes are. To make that easier to understand: It would be like a body builder man and woman having a baby that had huge mucsles from the moment of birth.

So, there must have been something to help evolution along.

My views are complicated. Yes, I believe in evolution, but something must have done something just to set off the creation of the Earth, and evolution can't really have happened on it's own. I mean, take a giraffe. Lets say it was evolved from something like a horse (just for easy explaining). It's neck can't have just streched out over time, because a physical change happening to an animal can't be passed down, because only genes are. To make that easier to understand: It would be like a body builder man and woman having a baby that had huge mucsles from the moment of birth.
So, there must have been something to help evolution along.
No, those traits cannot can't be passed down. However, generally, evolution occurs becasue of genetic mutations. Those can be passed down onto children. If the mutation helped out the animals and they survived long enough to produce, then over time the species would begin to evolve once that mutation became extremely common. So a genetic mutation for a little bit longer neck could be passed down, then over time (hundreds of thousands of years), more mutations would take place, be passed on, and the entire population would have them.

It is survival of the fittest.

I do believe in evolution, but I believe in God as well.

Wouldn't evolutionist be part of atheism because it doesn't believe in G-d?

I don't know, I'm Jewish, so I generally believe what they believe. I'm not super religious, but I do believe in G-d. Other than that, I have no idea what I think of about the specifics, like evolution. I honestly don't care to think about it. Nobody knows.

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I don't really believe in one thing. I just believe evolution is possible. But I also believe creation is possible.

Wouldn't evolutionist be part of atheism because it doesn't believe in G-d?I don't know, I'm Jewish, so I generally believe what they believe. I'm not super religious, but I do believe in G-d. Other than that, I have no idea what I think of about the specifics, like evolution. I honestly don't care to think about it. Nobody knows.
Actually, many Christians believe in both! My friends and I believe that there was creation, and then evolution. What put the very first life forms here? I believe we are here for a reason, and because of a big bang. :)

If by "evolutionist" you mean one that believes in proven scientific facts, then yes, yes I am.

Yes I think evolution is real. I'm not really bothered how we got here considering it has no relevence to our lives today. We are now here so who cares about the something that happened so long ago that no one was smart enough to write it down because their brains weren't capable of it (or because no one was there). I've always found it strange the way humans are obsessed with how we got here and preserving the past.

(Like cottages that aren't suitable for a modern day person to live in because of low ceils, some of them are an eyesore but you can't knock them down because they were built more than 300 years ago.)

I'm LDS (Mormon), so I beleive that God made the Earth. And my opinion will NEVER change. :D

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