Are you annoyed the v4.5 isn't in stores yet?


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Nobody in my entire state, (ohio) has ssen a v4.5! A lot of people I know are getting annoyed. Sigh.

I managed to pick up a V4.5. I was patient and happily surprised when I saw them on the shelves (Walmart in NC.) I just wish all 12 designs were out; I'd really like to buy a Green Peacock V4.5.

I can't vote, I'm not getting a V4.5. I'm waiting till' the 5 comes out unless my tama breaks.

:D Ms.Mam. :lol:

i want the green waves :wacko:

if there not were i live in a week my head will explode

I am getting very annoyed. Bandia said the v4.5 would be released mid-june. Here it is , mid-june, and no v4.5! Are you as annoyed as I am?
SO its released now. I may think about getting one somtime soon, but i'd like iwkipedia to make an article about it so i can find out if its cool enough to get.

I knew that!!!! But why haven't they reached all the states yet?! :D ^_^ ^_^

Here's what I'd like to do: (picks up phone "Bandia, get those v4.5's out here pronto!" Slams phone down.)

umm not to be mean dude but........tamagotchi version4.5 is out already!!!??? in united states and canada i live in canada there out i am getting mine saturday or sunday visit my tamagotchi log v.4 soon version4.5

When I find a v4.5, I'm gonna start babysitting like crazy to save up for it! Hope I will see one soon!

I'm not mad. Now, they have them in my Walmart and they also have the PC Pack in Walmart. I didn't check Toys R Us yet, but they probably have them. I didn't get my V4.5 from Walmart, though. I got mine off of :ichigotchi: ITS SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Walmart also has V4's still, too, just behind all the V4.5's (lol) so you have to reach back a bit. well, for my walmart anyways.....



hmm hopefully they have it here in virginia now. i think i'll try to look for one this weekend~

I'll check the nearest Walmart, I don't really go there much...

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