Are you clumsy?


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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2007
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I most certainly am. I always loose my footing. ALWAYS. Atleast 3 or 4 times a day. I've only been up 10 minutes and i've already fell. What about you?

Definitely! I'm always doing goofy things. That's how I get my "Clumsy, lovable" reputation. Ah well, I guess it provides the class entertainment! :D

I'm extremely clumsy. :D When I was supposed to be holding a bag with water, a frog, and a pond snail in it, I bended down to unplug the filter. Guess what? The water spilled all over me. The frog and pond snail survived, thankfully. xD

(Gah, too many run on sentences! I had to shorten them down)

I trip or loose footing all that much but I have a twitchy left hand I feel the need to tense it and stretch it so I drop stuff someimes. I feel like I have to do it now

I am the most clumsy person you'll ever meet. Already today I've fallen down the stairs, run into a door, and fell off my bunk bed. Then, just now, I fell out of my rolling chair and hit my head on the computer desk. I'm such a klutz. XD The most common words out of people's mouths around me are: "Phoebe, are you okay?!?!?!"

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I am so clumsy, tis not even funny.

It is probably because I am so hyperactive I pay no attention to anything around me. And because I am so tall and lanky I sprawl ungracefully when I hit the ground.

I fall over a lot. xD

Except I tend to fall over, yet land perfectly on all fours, and spring up again.

I'm not tall, but not short.. I'm kinda... average height, broad shoulders. x3...

i tend to fall down and up stairs every single day. That's sorta suckish cuz my pod is on the bottom floor of my school so i go up and down atleast 10 times a day so i fall atleast 3 times. I call it stairaphobia (the fear of stairs) I walk into stuff alot too. One time i walked itno a desk and FLIPPED OVER IT! :D

I always get bruises from stuff like that. :mellow: I always whack my hand on stuff. I hit it on the fridge and got a huge bruise. Trust me there is alot more clumsy things about me.

Try "accident prone"

I drop things, fall on occasion, hit my foot, hand any part of my body on stuff all the time and of course, I do stupid things that only end up in me on the floor, laughing.

EDIT: I also drop many things on my feet Dx

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Try "accident prone"
I drop things, fall on occasion, hit my foot, hand any part of my body on stuff all the time and of course, I do stupid things that only end up in me on the floor, laughing.

EDIT: I also drop many things on my feet Dx
one time i dropped deoderant on my foot OMG IT HURT

I am.

But surprisingly, I haven't hurt myself or anything like that...yet.

But one day, I dropped my phone like...6 times or something. And one of those times when I dropped it, I accidentally kicked it against a wall. D=

I've done some cruel things to my phone. I dropped it in flowing water. I dropped it and it popped open. I got it wet and it stopped working for a while. And stuff like that. =P

Ohhh yes I am.

Falling down the stairs a few times a week..

Dropping everything..

Tripping over my own feet..

Making a whole aisle of cans fall down in shop rite..

Walking into an electric sliding door at target..

I've done it all xD

I'm not, but my bff is. Whenever we're walking down the hall or on the stairs in school, she falls. She falls up and down the stairs every day. Like, there are small sets of like 3 stairs in the hallway, and she tries to jump up all of them, and ends up falling. It's hilarious. I start cracking up, and then she gets mad. Then, she gets over it. xD

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