are you comftreble around...


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Ehh, I don't like the opposite gender that much, because I don't trust them, but it depends on the person.

I 'm always comfortable with boys, but I'm usually uncomfortable around my crush....hehee....

I always thought it was easier to become friends with guys than girls because with guys there's hardly any drama. They just...chill..

It depends. I'm usually okay but some guys just make me nervous. I don't know why though. It's... wierd...

This one guy that is in orchestra [not in my class though, thank goodness] makes me nervous even though I've had no contact with him. I think it's because he looks kind of like one of my other guy friends and so yeah. xp

I always thought it was easier to become friends with guys than girls because with guys there's hardly any drama. They just...chill..
Totally, I agree. My best mayyte is a boy and I love him lyyk a brother. It's so much easier to just talk to boys than with girls, because they are laid back and just . . . talk - Have fun. I really don`t have a problem talking to other girls, but I just can`t relate to `em like I can to boys. Which is kinda worrying, when you think about it, but it's true. :] I have no trouble what-so-ever around boys, which makes me the first girl to get to know which boy fancies who and I get to know all the gossip that girls don`t get to know for several weeks. :] I`m into fashion and all of the normal girl stuff lyyk make-up, but when I`m with boys I just turn all that stuff off and simply hang around ;; It`s REALLY easy.

That`s not to say that I`m a tomboy, because I`m really not. I still do all the things every other girl does, but I have a priveliege over many girls, because I am not afraid to be friends [or best friends] with boys, no matter how many snide remarks and whispers of people saying that I fancy my best friend I have to put up with. If you honestly believe being friends with the opposite gender is wrong, then you are very sad and possibly ill ;; I suggest you go check your head out with a doctor. JKZ, but that`s the type of humour I have since I have been hanging around boys for so long. :] Lol

Yes, I am. There are a few people I'm not comfortable around but that's because of their gender. I mean, I'm not going to walk over to a guy friend and talk about the cute new guy or to one of the girl friends I don't know very well and tell my deep, dark, secrets. There is one person who knows more about me than anyone else (a girl) but I'm comfortable with almost anyone. Yes, even the guy I like. Or rather I appear to be comfortable around him. Even now that I know he likes me back I'm not feeling shy. I am not a shy person at all. =D

Guys are so much easier than girls. Sure, I'm a girl, but I just love hanging around with guys. I've done this since, well, for a long time!

Girls in my class usually go in small huddles, discussing things like, "Did you hear? So and so is going out with whoever! Do you think it'll last, do you think they'll kiss? Ooh! Lest set it up, I'll double date with them!" I've stood in one of these huddles to find out the secrets of girly-girls.

The boys also treat me like another boy, well, except for the fact that I'm dating one of the guys, but, whatever. I can honestly say that I love being with the guys, talking, playing, just having a good time, more than with the girls.

With the girls, they judge you by your dress sense, well, most do, but guys, they don't judge you. Sure, they sometimes poke fun at me being small, but that's humans for you. :3

Well, all of my friends are girls. (Friends meaning the people who I eat lunch with, the people I would have over to my house, etc.) But I have 'buddies' of both genders (Meaning kids who I talk to in class, walk to other classes with, etc). When I'm with other kids who I've never met before/never talk to, I feel more comfortable with boys. I don't know why, but I just do. I don't like being alone with a group of girls who I'm not friends or 'buddies' with.

I was comfortable around boys since I first started school. :D I was hanging out with them and all of that. I am a tomboy.

I wasn't comfortable around my crush in 8th grade, though. :p

I'm very comfortable with the opposite gender. I actually find myself acting more, well, ME with guys. Weird, right? I mean, sometimes I get a little carried away when I try to impress other girls, mainly the popular ones, losing sight of the true me. Whereas with guys I'm myself, so a lot of them think of me as a friend. LOL-maybe that's why I don't get asked out often-because the guys feel that I'm a friend!

I am comfterble with Dudes around its like Talking to girls but in Smaller words.

~TP~ :)

Mental Note: Guys are selfish, and MANY more things

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