Are you concerned about Global Warming?


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I dont care about global warming at all, I might even like it because winters in Nebraska are COLD! 20 or 30 degrees to us is like a dang heat wave!

how the flip is it bush's fault? that's just ignorant.

i'm kinda "aware" of global warming. but i don't think it's as bad as they say it is.

is it possible for us to stop it without thos nagging eco-freaks saying

"haha, told ya so!"


i'm not too concerned, but, i guess it's not a good thing.

Alright, for the peeps in Nebraska,Michigan,New York,ect. I have a bit of a question for y'all.

What about Florida?

Yes.I just asked that.Temperatures in my place are getting warmer by the minute.In fact,today at 4:42 PM it was about 87 deggres F outside.

I think it's the same with Califorinia.Exept they actually GET 40's temperatures.

You may think Im exagerrating, but Im not.Guess where I live? Half an hour from Miami.

Meh school has started a recycling program,which,by the way,helps the ozone layer.

So,technically,yeah,Im concenred about Global Warming.

When I read that post above,I was totally shocked by this person's blameitization.So what if most people think Bush is not the best president ever? I believe he is the perfect example of people judging people by their mistakes.And he is the person being judged.


I hope you do know that Clinton left all the mess for Bush. He was the one that ruined everything. Then along came Bush, and got blamed for it. Things will just be returning back to normal from Bush in time for Hillary or Obama. Then everybody will think they are so great. Not the case. =[

I hope you do know that Clinton left all the mess for Bush. He was the one that ruined everything. Then along came Bush, and got blamed for it. Things will just be returning back to normal from Bush in time for Hillary or Obama. Then everybody will think they are so great. Not the case. =[
I'd like you see you back up those statements you just made, since without reasons and resources like links to back up your statements, it's just blaming like the previous poster did. Please think a little bit more thoroughly before posting in a topic like this. Thanks.

I think that global warming is one big tall tale. Never believed never will believe. If you learnt anything at school you will know that in history theres been ice ages and other ages this is just another one soon enough i believe we will have a 'reverse global warming' age

after i saw the inconvenient truth i saw that it is a major problem. my class is trying to recycle more and we each got to plant a tree infront of my Jr High. :huh: it was fun to help just a little to help stop global warming.

ok no offense but you are extremely wrong. Global warming is a problem, scientists have COMFIRMED it. Part of it is that the earth is just going through a cycle, but we are also causing it. We are the ones who put the hole in the Ozone layer. You seem CONPLETELY oblivious to what is really going on. and like I said, no offense.
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You know scientist also say the Earth goes through hot and cold cycles all the time. ALL THROUGHOUT Earth's history these have happened.

I want to see you blame the Ice Age on Global Warming. XD Find evidence on THAT.

I'm surprised a lot of people aren't even a little worried. Just because you say it's cold doesn't mean it'll be OK. Global Warming works slowly. Even if we are going through a cycle we seem to be making it worse with the green house effect. Even if the Earth does cool down, will it come in time to stop sea levels rising? That's the major problem! The Earth could alread be badly flooded by then! Not to mention we're making holes in the ozone layer.

Also the oceans are getting worse. If things keep going like this there could be storms even worse than the ones that have already been and gone.

What I think is worse that not enough people do care and try to help. It's not just about mankind! What about all the animals?


My main concern about global warming is the way it affects our ocean. It is causing coral bleaching in the upper levels of coral formations, killing the corals themselves because they are very delicate. It is affecting marine creatures' life cycles from the smallest lifeforms to the largest whales and their migrations. There is even reason to believe that it may be causing the increase of Giant Squid carcasses washing up on the beaches. Believe it or not, there are many marine creatures that are so used to a very precise set of environmental factors they cannot tolerate even a very small temperature increase, as it also directly affects water chemistry.
The Northern polar regions are seeing the effects of loss of ice floes and solid icy ground. There is less and less solid ice for large marine mammals to haul out on(walruses, seals, etc), and therefore less hunting ground for polar bears. They are all going to have to adapt somehow, but for the more specialized creatures there, the changes could prove too dramatic over time.

I believe global warming is cyclical, but I also believe that it is happening at a much faster rate than it has ever before, which we know is a fact, because of our effects on our environment. I will not put full blame on either factor, but it up to us to do something as soon as we possibly can. We cannot reverse the natural cycle of the climate, but if we can just slightly reduce our effects on the environment, it will help more than many people realize.
Its freezing up here. But I'm adapted to the weather

i'm concerned about MT. St. Helen Also.

I care about global warming, generally speaking.

Living in a family where we all believe that global warming is a problem, I can tell you that it isn't about going outside on a hot day and saying "Darn you global warming!"

It's about what we can do to just live a little cleaner. We're not looking for a drop in carbon emissions or anything, just trying not to be more wasteful then we already are.

Doing things like putting paper in the paper recycling bin instead of the trash, or having a compost bin. Turning off the lights when you leave a room, re-using bags, not driving if you can walk, things like that.

Personally, it bugs me the most when people throw a bottle in the trash when a recycle bin is right there. When that happens, I fish out the bottle and put it in the recycle bin. It also bugs me with paper.

It isn't hard to do these these things, and you can pay less for energy.

To me, Global Warming DOES NOT EXIST I think it is somethng for the World to make us worried. It is something that does not exist. Mr. Al Gore rides in his private jet everywhere, and all of the jet fuel being emmerced is one of the dirtiest fuels out there. If Global Warming is true, maybe he is the cause, and trying to blame it on us. I believe that the Government disceives us all of the time, like in the movie "Logan's Run" I believe that they are just nosy, and think that they have "fixed" everything, but make themselves look better by making some natural disaster and "fix" it. They are just liars. If you believe them, that's your problem. There have been many "disasters" in the past, and were never actually happening. There is no more information on how it is true or how it is false. Well yeah, don't hate me because of this, please?


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