Are you emo?


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Everyone goes through it in their teenage years.

When you feel like commiting suicide, and you feel depressed.

I don't see what the big deal is. Emo is just a word for depressed, i guess.

It's just us teenagers.

[SIZE=7pt]Emo?[/SIZE]Everyone goes through it in their teenage years.

When you feel like commiting suicide, and you feel depressed.

I don't see what the big deal is. Emo is just a word for depressed, i guess.

It's just us teenagers.
The teenage word would be angst.

But I guess it seems like angst has become emo. :/ Sad really.

I dont believe in labels.

But I am pretty much what you would call emo. I dont think I am, just everyone else I know does. So I like to call myself a happy emo! Yeah, I am weird.

No! but these things happen and you're either comfortable with your label or you just forget about it. I'm just saying again,I am emo,I hardly ever smile,I hide behind my hair,and wear dark colors. And to add to it,I accidentally slipped with the knife and now I have a big gash in my wrist. You ca be emo and be comfortable with it,I consider it a way of being yourself,being unique.

I'm not emo,but not that preppy.I wear black as if emos doesn't exist xD I'm always smilin' and I'm always joking.I dislike being labeled.I am a girly girl,but I'm not a fan of pink anymore. :ph34r:

I wear brown mostly. ;)

A lot of people called me emo and goth because I dyed my hair black, wear a lot of black, listen to emo music, and I'm pretty quiet when I'm not around people I don't know that well... But that's just how I look, how I dress, what I listen to, and how I act.

I don't cut, of course not.. But I dislike people who think too highly of themselves, or are a little too bubbly and happy. I'm fine if that's who they really are, but I just dislike people who think they have to meet up to others' standards. :/

I don't hate my life. I think I have a good life at the moment..

So, no, I don't fit the defition of emo perfectly. So people seemed to have switched to Tomboy. :/

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I don't feel like getting into my whole "this is a real emo, this is not" rant, so I'm just going to say I'm not anything, I wear and listen to what I like and make independent moves that shock even the goths and emo groups, and I don't care. I didn't dye my hair black and I don't style it at all, and though black and silver are my favorite colors I have a huge pallet that I pick from, I am not afraid to show my arms because I have nothing to hide, I can be spiteful and sarcastic (a lot) but overall I'm just me.

If I had to pick a label I would be something along the lines of Sceanster and Tomboy.

I agree with Mamitchi465, I don't think people can be labelled as emo unless they cut themselves. In my opinion a goth is an emo that doesn't cut themself.

I'm not an emo but I have nothing against them. People can be whoever they want to be.

I dislike it when I have this sort of convo:

Person: Eww, your an emo.

Me: Wha-? Am I?


Me: Cause you just said I was?

I really don't like to label people, but I don't think I'm emo.

Isn't emo short for emotional?

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Emos are usually people who are very HARDCORE Gothic and listen to heavy metal rock music, and who hate their life and are depressed/

That's my nickname <_<

All my friends no i'm not emo,but anyway who doesn't know me assumes im emo by the music i listen to and the way i dress.

One of my best friends is emo, but i'm not.

I see nothing wrong with being emo or goth.


My friend Dustin: My friend Richard....

6th grader: oh,that emo kid?

It get's real annoying :furawatchi:

whats a emo
It can also be emo-tional. Emotional. And the most likely explanation is when people cut themselves, preferrably on their wrist. I know this because at my school, you're either emo, goth, or human.

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