Are you gay or lesbian?


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No, accepting them as a CHRISTAIN. Do you think they are real, true blue Christains? Do you believe that god loves them as much as HE loves you? Or do you think they are 'damned to hell' with no rescue?

It sounds like you don't know anything about Christianity. He loves ALL people the same so much He DIED for them. He died for me, you even Hitler or Sadam Huisain- He loves them, you and me too. Not what they did and what we do [i stumble too, obviously] but because He made them- like the perfect father.

I don't even know for sure if my PASTOR is a Christian- I'm pretty darn sure he is but who am I to judge? They could be or maybe not. The only person I know for sure is a 'true blue' Christian is me because I know I made the desicion for myself.

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And another thing, Jesus did not die for people's sins. Jesus was murdered. It wasn't his choice. He was murdered by his own people because they thought he was crazy!!

Man, we don't even have proof of Jesus! What we do know, is that he was indeed a Jew.

Jesus might have died for somebodies sins, but not mine.

Look, don't act like I don't know anything about what I'm talking about. I don't know everything [because that's impossible] but I would happen to know alot more on the subject. ;]

Technicaly He was killed for blashpemy [oops, spelling- anyways, meaning saying He was God which is what the Christians believe but the Jews didn't] not just because He was 'crazy'.

Ok, I think we should stay on topic bceause this is totaly off. If you would like to continue to debate [i love to debate as you can tell] we can continue through pm.

It was a side step and turned into a leap off of the topic- sorry!


I have nothing wrong with the people that are Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay.

Or any others :ichigotchi: .

After all- it's the personality that counts, right?

It won't affect you pysicly(sp?).

I am not lesbian/gay.I do not agree with it- which does NOT mean that I will harrase people that are. I know a couple who are lesbian and they seem just fine, but the Bible specificly states that being gay/lesbian is wrong. If God wanted us to date/marry out own sex He would have created 'Adam and Steve' not 'Adam and Eve'.

Is this topic appropriate? I can't tell- it's a bit border line.
yah same here

Hehe, Well.. I Dont Care. Its Peoples Choice not Ours. Besides I Think its Kinda Cute <3

Because People just Dont have to Be Into Girls/Boys. But Im Straight.. :unsure: 100%

Straight.I have nothing wrong with the people that are Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay.

Or any others :angry: .

After all- it's the personality that counts, right?

It won't affect you pysicly(sp?).
Acctually, it can....AIDS, and such.

ME? im straight(again, I say this). I dont have anything agenst homos, and yha I think its a bit...wrong... but I have a friend thats one, and hes fine. So just to say, I have nothing agenst you ^.^


im straight but i fully support lesbians/gays/bis/pomos

i dont understand why we cant live in a world where its okay

to love whoever you want ... despite thier sexual orientation!

i have plenty of friends who are gay/lesbain/bi and they are no different than

straight people ..... give em a break

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Acctually, it can....AIDS, and such.

ME? im straight(again, I say this). I dont have anything agenst homos, and yha I think its a bit...wrong... but I have a friend thats one, and hes fine. So just to say, I have nothing agenst you ^.^

AIDS maybe...but one or more partners would have to have it or have gotten it from someone. If neither person has it or has had a previous partner with it, then there's no chance of it :huh:

if you're not allowed to, why hasn't this thread been closed? grow up.

Acctually, it can....AIDS, and such.

ME? im straight(again, I say this). I dont have anything agenst homos, and yha I think its a bit...wrong... but I have a friend thats one, and hes fine. So just to say, I have nothing agenst you ^.^

Straight people can get aids too <.< It's not just a 'gay disease' like some people make it seem.

I am not lesbian/gay.I do not agree with it- which does NOT mean that I will harrase people that are. I know a couple who are lesbian and they seem just fine, but the Bible specificly states that being gay/lesbian is wrong. If God wanted us to date/marry out own sex He would have created 'Adam and Steve' not 'Adam and Eve'.

Is this topic appropriate? I can't tell- it's a bit border line.
Well, first off, I'm straight. But, I have gay/lesbian/bisexual friends and am just peachy keen with that. They're nice people (sometimes better than straight people, LOL). Ever had a gay best friend? I did in high school, he was pretty fun!

Now, to address what I quoted...

To keep it short, the Bible is bullocks. They picked the stories to go in it and, Jesus was not the first to perform "miracles," to be the son of a god, to turn water into wine, etc. There were stories of heroes before Jesus with the same setup... But, as with most Christians, "Ignorance is bliss," isn't it?

I'm going to laugh if something turns up one day that proves Jesus had a gay affair... :D

No, I am 100% Straight and BOY CRAZY. :eek:

But I have no problem with Gay, Lasbian, and Bi people. Let them live their life how they want to. :mametchi:

Well, first off, I'm straight.  But, I have gay/lesbian/bisexual friends and am just peachy keen with that.  They're nice people (sometimes better than straight people, LOL).  Ever had a gay best friend?  I did in high school, he was pretty fun!
Now, to address what I quoted...

To keep it short, the Bible is bullocks.  They picked the stories to go in it and, Jesus was not the first to perform "miracles," to be the son of a god, to turn water into wine, etc.  There were stories of heroes before Jesus with the same setup...  But, as with most Christians, "Ignorance is bliss," isn't it?

I'm going to laugh if something turns up one day that proves Jesus had a gay affair...  -_-
Yes, I know a lesbian couple and they are very nice. I'm not saying they aren't good people or anything.

Actualy the Bible is quite credible [er, is that the word?]. I could get the reasons [or you could talk to someone that actualy studies that kind of stuff- I can give you her email/URL if you want to debate about it.]

Guess how many people- percent wise- are actualy gay/bisextual. Under 10%. It was something between 5% and 7% but yet the ideology just has to be accepted. I don't agree. People are always like, 'respect other opinions!', and I'm not going around saying, 'lolz, gay ppl r stupd!' but I'm the one getting disrespected? I could say your ideas are 'bull' or whatever you said but I won't because someone would get mad at me and I respect yours and everyone else's even if I don't agree.

But this really isn't about that and I wish people would stop quoting me. If they want to discuss it just pm me so it doesn't over spam the topic.

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