Are you gay or lesbian?


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I've been questioning it for a while.

Now I say I'm straight. Definately straight.

I have no problem with gays or lesbians, although I've personally never met one.

At my school, 'gay' is an insult. No offence, but in Sutton, UK, gays are treated like crap.

No,I am straight and always have been but I totaly respect gay and lesbian people and it is realy slack how some people treat them differently.

No, I am not Gay..I don't find anything wrong with Gay/Lesbian people.

Also, I believe that bringing religion into it is wrong, Like tamaw/pants said..

"If God wanted us to date/marry out own sex He would have created 'Adam and Steve' not 'Adam and Eve"

Can I just point out that Not all of us are religious? I find that quite offensive.

As a matter of fact.. I am Anti homophobic (I don't like Homophobic people)
For people who arent relgious, I still find the point on *not how it was suppose to be* to still stand with or without relgion. Because even if God did not create us, that doesnt change the fact that are bodies werent made for this kind of relationships. It doesnt take alot to see that a man and a man werent ment to have babies, or a woman and a woman. Although Ive never known anyone who was anything other then straight, I still think If I did I would still be able to respect them. I dont hate anyone who is gay, lesbian, bio, pomo or anything else there might be, I just dont believe in it.


For people who arent relgious, I still find the point on *not how it was suppose to be* to still stand with or without relgion. Because even if God did not create us, that doesnt change the fact that are bodies werent made for this kind of relationships. It doesnt take alot to see that a man and a man werent ment to have babies, or a woman and a woman. Although Ive never known anyone who was anything other then straight, I still think If I did I would still be able to respect them. I dont hate anyone who is gay, lesbian, bio, pomo or anything else there might be, I just dont believe in it.
Saying our bodies weren't made for these kind of relationships is just.. I can't describe it. Our bodies were made for reproducing. It's a known fact that gays/lesbians can't reproduce with eachother, but they still have a relationship. Maybe not the same as straights, but a relationship nontheless. Reproduction isn't always the fondation of a relationship. A woman whose body has a problem with her reproduction system isn't desined for baby making, but her and a guy can be in love, and it's okay.

Maybe God created gays/lesbians to adopt kids they couldn't have. Just a thought. :/

And a very deep though that is.

The funniest thing about it all always comes down to the sex. "they were not made to do it together" "two men can't make a baby" "two women can't make a baby" etc etc.

The thing is, Two men can have a relationship with each other, Two women can have a relationship with each other and the sex part is obviously not to magically produce a baby, But rather to let the other person know and feel that they are loved. To express the feelings they have for one another in a very natural way.

But these people are not merrily walking around with their partner all day discussing there sex lives half as much as we are in this thread...They are probably talking about what movie to watch later that night, or where they would like to see themselves living in the next 20 years.

--Another strong opinion I have : Where does the government get off saying whether or not gays/lesbians can marry each other???

They need to stay in their offices and out of the publics bedrooms. :rolleyes:

One generalization I'm seeing in this topic, is that basically, 'since gay/lesbian couples can't reproduce, they can't have the same relationship as a straight couple.'

Yes. They can.

Relationships are about love. Not sex.

They can have the same affections as a straight couple would.

Exactly lol, I find it hard to believe anyone could think gays/lesbians could have any less of a relationship then straight people...It doesn't even make sense.

Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Pomo,Bi ...It's all just a label. Why do people feel the need to live by these?

One generalization I'm seeing in this topic, is that basically, 'since gay/lesbian couples can't reproduce, they can't have the same relationship as a straight couple.'
Yes. They can.

Relationships are about love. Not sex.

They can have the same affections as a straight couple would.

[SIZE=7pt]I kind of agree with fallenstar, men and men weren't made to reproduce, same with women and women. I get what you all mean, but, if everyone was gay, there wouldn't be any more babies, and then there wouldn't be anymore people.[/SIZE]

thfii. .

[SIZE=7pt]I kind of agree with fallenstar, men and men weren't made to reproduce, same with women and women. I get what you all mean, but, if everyone was gay, there wouldn't be any more babies, and then there wouldn't be anymore people.[/SIZE]
thfii. .
Right. We need some straight people in the world, actually, make that a lot of straight people. We have to keep reproducing, in order to keep humans on the planet. If not, the world would be...empty.

[1] For people who arent relgious, I still find the point on *not how it was suppose to be* to still stand with or without relgion. Because even if God did not create us, that doesnt change the fact that are bodies werent made for this kind of relationships. [2] It doesnt take alot to see that a man and a man werent ment to have babies, or a woman and a woman. Although Ive never known anyone who was anything other then straight, I still think If I did I would still be able to respect them. I dont hate anyone who is gay, lesbian, bio, pomo or anything else there might be, I just dont believe in it.
Oh, the things I have to say on this topic.

First of all, the topic is "Are you Gay / Lesbian" Not "State that you're straight and then share your opinions on Gay / Lesbians".

Now I will carry on with my rant. =/

[1] Does that matter? Love is love, regardless of if your body was built the "Right" way for this relationship. As SK said, it's about love and affection, not sex, so just because their bodies don't fit together, doesn't mean that their hearts can't.

[2] Have you heard of adoption? Why MUST people reproduce when you can save a little chinese kid? Artificial insemination, surrogate (Spelling) parents, anything like that can work. And even so, there are enough straight people in the world, we aren't going to have a low population any time soon, unfortunately.

I kind of agree with fallenstar, men and men weren't made to reproduce, same with women and women. I get what you all mean, but, if everyone was gay, there wouldn't be any more babies, and then there wouldn't be anymore people.
thfii. .
Then, I guess you're lucky that not everyone is gay.

This certainly isn't the situation, why bring it up?

Like I said, there are several straight people in this world. We won't be underpopulated any time soon.

I can promise you that.

Again, also, just because their bodies don't fit together doesn't mean that they can't love eachother.

When you fall in love with someone, then couldn't marry or be together because some moron decides they don't believe in it, you tell me, and maybe I'll appreciate your opinions a bit more, but until then, I really don't think you know how it feels.

Honestly, neither do I, but imagine.


And a very deep though that is. The funniest thing about it all always comes down to the sex. "they were not made to do it together" "two men can't make a baby" "two women can't make a baby" etc etc.

The thing is, Two men can have a relationship with each other, Two women can have a relationship with each other and the sex part is obviously not to magically produce a baby, But rather to let the other person know and feel that they are loved. To express the feelings they have for one another in a very natural way.

But these people are not merrily walking around with their partner all day discussing there sex lives half as much as we are in this thread...They are probably talking about what movie to watch later that night, or where they would like to see themselves living in the next 20 years.

--Another strong opinion I have : Where does the government get off saying whether or not gays/lesbians can marry each other???

They need to stay in their offices and out of the publics bedrooms. 
. . .

I love you o-o

One last thing.

About bringing religion into this, not everyone is religious, and basing a law or solid statement off of a scripture or religion that may or may not be real is pretty silly. And not everyone believes in this.

So before you rant about how god thinks gays are wrong, take a second to think about how many people might find it offensive.

I, for one, don't like to have something I don't believe in preached down my throat.

If I want to hear religion, I'll go to church, but until then, I want nothing from your invisible god man in the sky.


Just saying.

For people that want to be religious, if God wanted us to only date, marry, and love people of the opposite sex, why would he make gays/lesbians? I believe that people should be able to love anyone they truly love. I would be much happier if someone dated someone of their own sex that they truely love and be happy for the rest of their lives with eachother then that same person be with someone they don't love and be miserable.


[SIZE=7pt]I kind of agree with fallenstar, men and men weren't made to reproduce, same with women and women. I get what you all mean, but, if everyone was gay, there wouldn't be any more babies, and then there wouldn't be anymore people.[/SIZE]
thfii. .
Is everyone gay? I don't think so. Will everyone become gay? Unlikely. I don't think we have to worry about that. That argument was...... unrealistic.

EDIT:Ya I'm straight.

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For people that want to be religious, if God wanted us to only date, marry, and love people of the opposite sex, why would he make gays/lesbians? I believe that people should be able to love anyone they truly love. I would be much happier if someone dated someone of their own sex that they truely love and be happy for the rest of their lives with eachother then that same person be with someone they don't love and be miserable.

That's what I was about to say... :furawatchi:

Anyway, you should be free to make the choice for who you want to love, no matter what the gender is. It would be worse for someone to be forcing you to love someone you don't. The point of life is to be happy. Live a good one. :)

P.S.-I'm straight, by the way.

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