Are you good at drawing


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I love to draw! I'm pretty good(not to brag) but my dad is a artist and he does cartoons in the news paper so thats where I got my artistic talents :huh:

Lol everyone says i'm amazing

I gues... I'm supposedly "Modest"

but i don't think i'm THAT amazing

i specialise in cats too!!!! on page 2 is the link to my pics take a look lol its mostly cats and tigers n leopards aha

My latest

It's kinda bad because it was my first drawing of characters NOT posing... more in motion/action

and my first really good sit down one lmao

I'm the best at drawing in my class, and my house. I'm not boasting or anything, just saying

EDIT: @Evanesence: Wow, that's really good

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im good at drawing sonic,pokemon,manga and random stuff that i come up with :wub:

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I'm the best at drawing in my class, and my house. I'm not boasting or anything, just saying
EDIT: @Evanesence: Wow, that's really good
:furawatchi: thanks!

I'm not the best. If you put something infront of me I can draw it. We had that assesment(sp) for art class. She put something on a table. We had to draw whatever we saw nothing else. When I showed my art teacher what I drew she said I have the hand of an artist o_0

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