Are you happy with who you are?


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No. And I can't get in trouble for making a post that has less than three words. This has like more than twenty words now.

I'm happy with my looks for the most part.

I like being short and I really like my hair, but seriously my thighs are huge. And my nose too. I hate it.

Personality wise, I'm really shy and quiet. Also, my friends tell me I'm conceited. I don't really like my personality.

There's many things I like about myself and many things I just loathe.

As far as my looks go, I like them. I have this exotic look to me, making me look asian/latina and I have a really fit body. I love my hair because no one I know has my hairstyle. I get complimented on my skin a lot because I have good genes so it's naturally flawless. I dislike some fat that I have and i don't really like my wrists because they're too thin. My hair grows too fast so if I shave, it'll grow back by the end of the day.

Now for personality. I like how I'm very honest to people and I get straight to the point. I'm slowly building up confidence and I love how cheerful I am. I dislike that I'm quiet, shy, and just weird around people I don't know. I always think people are staring at me and thinking negative things. Overall, I'm somewhat self conscious. But very slowly, I'm beginning to change that.

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Well, I never said anything about myself yet so I guess I'll do that now.

I'm okay with the way I look. There are things I really hate about my appearance, and I get picked on sometimes which really drags down my self confidence. People pick on me for having a big nose and small boobs. I don't really mind my boobs much, because eventually my body will change and I'll get curvier, but I really hate my nose. It's really big (That's what I get for being almost 100% Italian xD) and when people point that out I just want to die. It's the one thing that makes my face kinda ugly. I also have glasses, another thing that I hate but that can be changed so it's not as big of a problem. I look horrible in glasses and that's why I take pictures with them off.

As far as my personality goes, I like who I am. I'm very blunt at times. I try not to beat around the bush, get right to the point. I like to think I have a pretty good sense of humor, and my friends think I'm funny and silly. I'm nice when I need to be, and mean when I need to be. I'll be nice to people as long as they're nice to me back. If they aren't, then I shouldn't have to be nice to them, right? That's what I mean. I used to be pretty mean, but after this big fight my best friend and I had back in seventh grade, I changed some of my ways. I feel like I've become a better person, and I'm happy about that.

I'm also very shy, I'm trying to be more outgoing and stuff, but it's difficult. I always act weird around people, i keep thinking that they think im weird. I never say anything around my classmates because I'm afraid of how they'll react and even on chats too. I always replay in my head how it could've turned out, what I could've said. But in the end i'm just stunned that they even talked to me and nervous. So I think that me moving to somewhere else is a chance to start fresh.

Not really.

Physically I'm very tall and thin. My skin is terrible but I'm hoping it eventually grows out of that pimple stage. I hate my hair, I cut it shoulder length a few months ago and it's taking forever to grow back long, short hair doesn't suit me ONE BIT. I'm alright with my facial features and pretty much everything else I guess.

Personality-wise I'm shy and I don't talk very much amongst certain people especially. I can be quite loud and humorous if you get to know me. I'm also super duper weird and I do and say the strangest things sometimes, puts people off at times. I get very jealous very easily as well. Anddd I want to regain my high self-esteem, I've been feeling so bad about myself lately .________.

I guess I am.

I've learned to accept my flaws.

Some advice for all you guys who are unhappy with yourselves: You are all beautiful. Inside and out. It's more important for what's on the inside. If people have a problem with the way you look it's their problem and not yours.

I'm getting there. :)

Physically: I have things I love; things I hate. I love my eyes. They're a really deep brown. My nose is okay. I just have a gap in my teeth that really bothers me the most. And really thin brown hair with these natural blonde and red highlights from the summer. But I'm starting to find ways to make my hair really awesome. ;) Lol. I'm sorta short. And I've got some biiiiiiiig boobs. xD No lie; I'm a D. I'm usually tan; and it gives me a cute exotic look.

Personality wise I couldn't be happier! I'm always happy, and when I'm not, I just keep a smile on my face to help make the smile real. My friends tell me I'm funny. I'm nice to everyone. It doesn't matter what they do, I can't hold grudges.

Yeah, I'm pretty happy with myself. ;)

I guess so. I wish I could tan a bit better but you are you.

Physically: I love my eyes, I have ocean coloured eyes ~ I'm pretty slim and tall but also strong so I wouldn't change anything. I like the way I am.

Personality: I have many freinds and my life wouldn't be the same without my, happy, giggly, bouncy ways.

I try to be as kind and helpful as I can.

So I guess I'm happy with myself. In the end, you are what you are. Everyone is beautiful in their own unique way ~ I wouldn't change a thing ~


I love the way I suit everything. Everyone compliments me on how I can pull anything off and look good (Like my new dark brown/almost black hair)

I find my lack of ability to express emotion a negative.

I'm happy with my appearance. Maybe 2 more inches of height would be nice, but I'm content.

I should never hate who I am because I'm stuck like this and hating it will just make life miserable.

Generally, yes.

I could try not to look so thin all the time, maybe smile a bit more.. there's lots of stuff I'd like.

I do tend to analyze people before I make friends with them. It stopped me from mingling in the wrong crowd, so I consider that a plus.

There's no reason for me to change if I'm not a bad person.

And anyway, it's not really helpful to mope about my imperfections. Pros are better than cons. :]

Getting there.

Everyone who's been saying they hate themselves or are not happy with who they are could either work on the things they can change to make themselves a better person, or accept the fact that's simply who they are and hating it will make life a misery. I'm sure you're all gorgeous on the inside and out so there's no need for hatred :)

Ehh, just moderately satisfied. Haha!

It could be worse, or it could be better. I just have to work with what I do have.


Yup ! I'm totally happy the way I am. I mean, I'm skinny ( not too skinny, though) , I have long legs so I'm tall, and I was asked to be a baby model ! So, I'm happy. =)

But, They're things I'd like to change about myself. I am a really jealous person --- so I'd like to take that down a notch. And I don't really moderate my eating. I mean, I'm young --- with a high metabolism, But if I keep eating like I do, I'll get fatter quick.


But other than that, I'm pretty happy =)

lol yes, I was asked to be a baby model at the age of like, two. My mommy said no, though . XD

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