Are you made fun of...?


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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2005
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WHen your freind sees that u have a tamagotchi are u... made fun of or teased. I feel really uncomfortable if ANYONE found out i had one. I keep mine a secret.

Im in 7th grade so if anyone found out i would be the laughing stock of the school. Are you teased wen your tama is seen by your freinds?

Or do you keep it a secret like me?

I ma in sixth grade, so the teasing would probably happen if hadnt disuised my tama. I just say it is a wath/clock thing and clip it on my purse. no one notices, lol

ooh they do??

everyone carries tamagotchis at our school and alot of people have them.

I dont hide mine, but I guess people do hide thiers somtimes. Im close to your grade, but tamas aren't a laughing stock where I live

No one at my school has a tama, I probably wouldn't get teased, but people would be surprized.

Nah..not last year. I don't like tamagotchi I don't exactly know. Just pick something that they do, and make fun of it. That's what I'd do.

Nope. Tamagotchis are a faded trend at my school, so no one will tease you or hang out with you because you have a tama. Very mixed emotions about them here. Some teachers dread tamas, some are fascinated with them. Some kids think they're annoying, some carry ten at a time.

WHen your freind sees that u have a tamagotchi are u... made fun of or teased. I feel really uncomfortable if ANYONE found out i had one. I keep mine a secret.
Im in 7th grade so if anyone found out i would be the laughing stock of the school. Are you teased wen your tama is seen by your freinds?

Or do you keep it a secret like me?
[SIZE=21pt]Well, I'm in the 6th grade and I take mine everywhere! One day, i took it out and everyone was like "WHOA! Whats that?! Thats awesome! I want one!" So then they get one...I hardly ever get teased..i only get teased by 8th graders.(no offens!) But yea![/SIZE]

-White Ninja :angry:

I don't hide them. I usually only carry one or two at a time, if I even bring them out with me. Nobody would make fun of me because nobody knows me. The only people that have one in my area(that I know of) are Daclyn and wwe. Even though I don't actually know wwe, and Daclyn only has one because we split a best friends pack.

Im fed up with the teasing because they say I look ugly when were all beutiful in gods way and its a christian boy who does it to!

ooh they do??everyone carries tamagotchis at our school and alot of people have them.

I dont hide mine, but I guess people do hide thiers somtimes. Im close to your grade, but tamas aren't a laughing stock where I live
Yeah, it's the same with me!

*tama star*

Well-I have 6 tamas and several other things, and apart from the V1 and V2, I keep them all super-secret. Tamas have died out in my class, so they saty at home. :wacko: I still see them milling round the primary classes though. :D

Do i get teased becuase of tamas eh? Nope, I tend to keep mine at home so none of my friends see them.. Just becuase I dont want to bring them to school.

Tamas have died in in my entire school, But occaisionally people bring them in if they are in a proformance (I did, When I was in Oliver) That was Fun :wacko:

If they did tease me.. I would distract them by making them laugh (thats what I do)

Well, I think it is pretty mean if ppl tease you because you like Tamas and they don't - or it's not considered "cool" for school....

But, I guess that is life... right or wrong, there will always be ppl who judge you by what you do / what you wear / what you carry around with you...!

It's up to you how you deal with it.

Some of us shrug, ignore it and carry on playing with Tamas - they don't mind if they are being teased.

Others just don't like being teased and don't want to put up with it, so they have decided that it is easier just to keep quiet about their Tamas.

I don't go to school any more, but I can tell you that I am considered a little eccentric for being an adult and liking Tamagotchis... *shrugs* I don't go around boasting about the fact that I like Tamas, but I also don't go to great lengths to hide it either...

Do whatever feels right for you - you can always change your mind!

Best, etc.


Well, I think it is pretty mean if ppl tease you because you like Tamas and they don't - or it's not considered "cool" for school....
But, I guess that is life... right or wrong, there will always be ppl who judge you by what you do / what you wear / what you carry around with you...!

It's up to you how you deal with it.

Some of us shrug, ignore it and carry on playing with Tamas - they don't mind if they are being teased.

Others just don't like being teased and don't want to put up with it, so they have decided that it is easier just to keep quiet about their Tamas.

I don't go to school any more, but I can tell you that I am considered a little eccentric for being an adult and liking Tamagotchis... *shrugs* I don't go around boasting about the fact that I like Tamas, but I also don't go to great lengths to hide it either...

Do whatever feels right for you - you can always change your mind!

Best, etc.

You said it, TamaMum. Exactly the way I feel about Tamas and the general public. :hitodetchi: At 19, some people consider it a bit eccentric for me to like them so much, too, but I'd rather be a little silly than stodgy and joy-less. lol It's good for people to keep a little youthfulness in them, and Tamagotchis help me do that. It brings back fun memories from when I was...let's see....11 or 12, and Tamagotchis had just come out for the first time and were in full popularity. I was in 4th and 5th grade, and those were fun, young years. I love where I'm at now, but I like to keep a little youthfulness in my personality, so I keep Tamas around. :D

I've never been made fun of for carrying them around, because I just explain it to people that it's something silly that I enjoy, and it's the one thing I collect, so I'm going to keep doing it. I've found that even older people, once they play with my Tamagotchis, tend to enjoy them more than they thought they ever would! A guy I dated earlier this year was 29, and he likes them so much he bought one to keep him company. My boyfriend now, who is 28(older, I know, but that's just the way things work with me!), likes to see which characters I get, and asks to play with them rather often! :pochitchi: I love it. I just think that if people would get past the idea of it being strictly "a child's GAME", they would see that we're not so "different" for enjoying them, after all. :pochitchi:

I'm finished being sage for the time being....I'd better focus that on my homework. :wacko: Fiddles.

I keep it a secret myself. I don't understand why kids NEED to pick on other kids. I hate it. I wear mine around my neck and call it a 'Watch' also. I can't wait for those lanyards! But yes...I did get teased once.

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