Are you related to a Famous/Infamous person?


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I'm not related to anyone famous. My dad was on TV before but he's not famous. I might be on TV too soon unless they edit me out.

My friends sister's friends uncle is that Brian guy from Disney channel... xD


Oh, when I was 3 I was on TV.

Only because my wonderful mother was complaining about my biological-father not paying child support and the government doing nothing about it...

Gotta love her.

Um, my mum was on the bbc news once because of her enlochment[sp?], but yeah, not much else... :)

My mom was on the news for my neighbor's brother coming back from war, or something like that.

I don't think anyone in my family is famous. Although everyone says my sister looks like a model. She is pretty and skinny. She is perfect. I'm not though. xO

I've been in the newspaper before =D

Being in the news paper sucks. Because then people are like"HEY!! I SAW YOU IN THE NEWSPAPER!!"

Yeah. My cousin is Chad Pennington.I don't pay too much attention to pro sprts, but apparently he's like, uber duber famous.

And I never knew xD

So, yeah. Chad.
Oh yeah, I remember a long time ago there was another topic like this and you were talking about it. You said something about a family reunion and how he said hi to you though the phone.

I'm not related to anyone famous. My friend Ella talked to Miley Cyrus on the phone though. She called up Radio Disney and talked to her. We both hate her. I told her at the end of the call she should've said "GO TO HELL YOU *BLEEP*!!!" XD

Also I remember Michelle saying her uncle worked for Miley Cyrus.

Well, once my dad was walking behind a semi-famous guy and then paps swarmed them & my dad got into the paper. Other than that, noo.

I don't think so. But if I was (and they were alive) I'd ask them for a million dollars. Maybe a billion. It depends on how much money they have. Or I could just arrange a hit on them and see how much they give me in their will. Or I think I'll just stick to asking :(

I don't think so. But if I was (and they were alive) I'd ask them for a million dollars. Maybe a billion. It depends on how much money they have. Or I could just arrange a hit on them and see how much they give me in their will. Or I think I'll just stick to asking :D
A million dollars is a lot. I don't think they would give you that much.

Nope, but I was on TV twice.

1. My mom got scammed and they showed me on TV 8D

2. Findlay Chevrolet commercial solo

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