Are you SICK?


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I think I am. Lots of people around me have started to cough badly and all of a sudden, I've started to feel light-headed and I can feel like my temperature has gone up a few degrees. Well, my temperature is not too hot, but I felt like fainting in class so yeah, I think I'm pretty much in a near-sick sort of state.

I'm sick
I always get sick when I go back to school xD
Sick of school? xD

Not anymore. I was ill Thursday, Friday & the weekend. I felt unwell this morning but I still went to school, I feel okay now. My brother stayed off school today because he was ill, my dad came home from work ill, and my mum's ill. That's all my family. [Well the -insert last name- part of my family]

And they all got it off me! > :D I don't have it anymore.


My crush has some disease that could be fatal, and has been out of school for over a week.


My crush has some disease that could be fatal, and has been out of school for over a week.
awww ... what kind of disease is it?

i hope he gets better /:

as for me, I just got your average case of sniffles.

awww ... what kind of disease is it?i hope he gets better /:
It's "Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease" (That's probably the generic name xD) You get a bunch of alacers(sp?)/blisters on your hands, on your feet, and in your mouth.

It's probably only fatal in infants and Old people though. He should be okay xD

It's "Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease" (That's probably the generic name xD) You get a bunch of alacers(sp?)/blisters on your hands, on your feet, and in your mouth.
It's probably only fatal in infants and Old people though. He should be okay xD
That's good he'll be okay ^^

A lot of people have been getting sick lately S:

A lot of people have been getting sick lately S:
We had a bad cold going around the first week of school D:

Everyone had it.

Everyones gets sick when school starts back up. Never fails XD

Swine flu's not here yet, so I don't have to worry about that. On topic, I'm not sick now but I had a pounding headache earlier. I tend to get headaches quite a lot, sinus (sp?) is worst. Also, I always have a really sore throat in the morning which goes away after maybe two or three glasses of juice.

*Sigh* Yes. Yes, I'm sick. I didn't even go to school yesterday. I felt like fainting and was really weak most of the time. My temperature read 39.6 degrees, but it dropped to 38.4 degrees later. I think my thermometer is broken, though because my temperature keeps switching. Also, one ear reads 37.9 degrees while the other ear reads something else. I feel a lot better now so I'll hopefully be able to go to school on Monday, but I'm still coughing badly so I'm not sure yet. Also, I'm losing my appetite so I barely eat anything anymore x.x

I hope to God its not swine flu

EDIT: my right ear says 37.1 degrees while my left says 37.2 degrees. I think I'm going to be alright after all ^_^ .

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T^T I'm not sick...But I have a cold!This stupid sniffling is so annoying! D<
Same here. > ^_^

It also gives me headache!

I really hate cold. I prefer cough.

I've been sick for about a week and a half now.

I'm fairly sure it was a flu that turned into strep throat but don't have insurance to go to a doctor so I'm not 100% sure. In the morning I wake up with no voice, which is really irritating..

I've just been drinking a lot of water(coffee mostly), laying around and sucking on lozenges. Hopefully it'll be over with in a few days. I'm really tired of being sick.

I'm a healthy little chappie.

But a week or two ago, I was so ill I couldn't speak. Difficult times. O:

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