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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2008
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What I mean is...Are you something other than what other people see you as?

I am...kind of. People see me as random and mean.(Not super-duper mean, but...mean.), loud, hyper, fun, talkative.

But really...I'm just a quiet, lazy little girl.

Before, people saw me as a sweet, innocent little girl...Until I kept annoying people. ;P

What about you?


PS. People think I listen too...Hannah Montana and Ashley Tisdale. (That kind of things.) But I listen to more My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, and AFI kinds of things.

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You have no clue. On the outside, I'm this loud, talkative, hyper, friendly, giggly girl. On the inside, I'm so insecure, self-concious, darker, one might say. I don't like to show anyone who I am inside, because...I don't want to.

Yes and no in a way.

Actually...I don't know. I guess at school I tease people a lot more. (I jokingly tease them)

And I'm usually more hyper, and more outspoken. But thats about it.

But normally when I'm at home I'm pretty relaxed. And more laid back.

People at school see me as unhyper and serious sometimes, and a loner. :D That's because I'm at a new school. I wouldn't say new anymore cause I had been at this school since September and I always feel like that I dont fit in. I am the only chinese girl in my class, as in last year at my old school there were about 15 chinese girls in my class. I had been in Canada since I was 7. I'm 12 now.

At home and with my friends from my old school, I am hyper and not serious at all. With my BFF we are laughing all the time, and at this school I dont laugh as much. I only have 5 friends out of the 18 kids in my class. :l Really. Everyone else are friends with everybody. oh and 3 more ppl are kinda my friends, not really.

Most of the kids in my class had been with each other since Kindergarten, so they're really close. I just got here in grade 6. I dont have a chance to get as close as they are to each other.

At school people see me as loud, random, funny and outgoing. They think I like what they like, and they always tell me, "Wow! You've changed! You used to be so you're cool." That hurts me sometimes, because the way they see me now, isn't the real me.

I'm soft-spoken and quiet, not really expressing myself. I am relaxed and care what people think.

I guess I don't show anybody the real me. But the real me is something I want to change.

I'm extremely misunderstood, people see me on the outside as a happy, hyper, random person. They always come to me when they want to be cheered up. And in class if the teacher says something like for example 'that's a naked wire', they immediately turn to me waiting for me to say something funny and witty. The thing is even my closest friends don't know about my past or my life or the problems I have with my faimly, i guess u could say i am very dark on the inside but bright on the out

Uhm, sure.

Most people think I'm the type of person who has a perfect life, is nice to her family, lives in a mansion, and is rich mostly because I'm a quiet person. People also think I get good grades and always turn my assignments in on time.

In truth, my life is far from perfect. I forge my parents' signatures, lie, change my grades by copying in Microsoft Word, I used to steal, and I spend more time on the computer than with my family. I sneak on daily xP My grades are from C to D+ because I turn more than half of my assignments in late.

That's mostly in my homeroom though. It's only the people who are in my class for a long time.

Yep, I'm pretty much that misunderstood ;P

Mmm.... not really. I'm pretty happy but when I do have my down days I'm not that open and so only TT and my counselor or parents know.

Who I am...

Not around friends: Quiet, "Dark", shy-ish. I usually don't talk much to people I don't know really well.

Around friends: If I'm in a good mood... Loud, obnoxious, talkative, funny (I guess you could say..), and snarky. My friends say I'm actually fun to be around.

People seem to assume I'm emo because I buy my clothes at Hot Topic. Like band shirts.

Not really, everyone knows everything about me. Artsy, musical, original, outgoing, etc. When I'm sad, a sort of 'vibe' goes off and everyone sort of knows whats wrong.

I think I'm just like people would think I am.

well im not the anti-Christ contrary to popular belief for some younger girls in my neighborhood.

I'm also Christian. did you know that? A lot of people are freaked when I say that.

Not at all. I'm girlier than most people at school would think and I enjoy to do a ton of things that my friends don't even know about. (Like going on tamatalk :angry: )

At school everyone always says how polite and nice I am too. I'm really a horrendous, awful person.

I'm also more intelligent than most of my friends think I am. All the other kids at school think I'm smarter than I am.

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Everyone in school thinks I'm the shyest, calmest, quietest girl they've met. And they even call me emo ._.;;


But the truth is that I'm loud, very random and I speak my mind to people without thinking. I really don't mean to hurt people's feelings. After I've said something hurtful to them and I realize it I'm just like, "Crud! I shouldn't have said that!". But I still apologize. n_n;

People see me as:

Stupid, random, the one easiest to take out their anger on. Fun, but dumb blonde, friendly, happy, loved, etc, I could go on for a while ^-^

I am:

I am fun, Random, Blonde, but the smartest person most know. I pretend alot, but I get angry easily, and usually take things the wrong way. I take most things seriously (as some may have experienced) and sarcasm is my second language. Im insecure, and quiet, I work hard, and more, but that wraps it up for the most part. I cry easily, and feel guilty... for reasons I wont express.

xF People see me as quiet and reserved, I think. On here, alot of you people probably think I'm mean, since I actually DEBATE, and I state my contrary opinion.

I don't know. I think most of the time, I have either a stupid or depressed look in my eyes. XD Which is so wrong, because I'm at least two grades higher than most math programs, and if I find good friends, I'm ridiculously random.

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