Are your schools doing anything for Valintines?


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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2005
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My school is having a dance on the 10th. They are going to be selling corsages, and it's going to be kinda dark. (I think. That's what they did last year.) :blink: :blink:

really? mine has one the tenth too! im going with a boy named andy and i have a great red dress.

really? mine has one the tenth too! im going with a boy named andy and i have a great red dress.
kool but i was thinking about wearing a skirt! but ppl in my class with say" Why are you wearing a skirt when it's cold out side!" and blah blah blah! if u do anythink diff then ever 1 else ur a freak! i hate my school...

A few people have asked me to the dance already. I'm just gonna wear a dressy top, jeans, and black tennis shoes. I don't see the need in getting all preped up for a dance when you are just gonna get sweaty from dancing. Plus the fact that I hate dresses. No offence. :blink:

kool but i was thinking about wearing a skirt! but ppl in my class with say" Why are you wearing a skirt when it's cold out side!" and blah blah blah! if u do anythink diff then ever 1 else ur a freak! i hate my school...
lol Ignore them and wear a skirt. I wore a skirt when it was snowing out. If you wear tights, it's not that cold. xP

I'm not in school so it's obviously not doing anything. ^.^' I think I'm gonna try to sleep through that day. I hate V-Day.

You aren't in school? Why don't you like Valentines?
I dropped out last year and my GED classes don't start until April.

I don't like it because it's just an excuse for people to slobber all over each other, claim they love one another, and then forget about each other the next day. I've never liked it.


Wow. You dropped out? My parrents would kick my butt if I ever dropped out. (Not that I want too. :blink: ) My classes are easy to me.

[SIZE=12pt] I don't know if my school is doing anything. [/SIZE]

They haven't said anything on the announcements...




We're probably gonna have some lame party during afternoon homeroom. At the beginning of each class, whatever teacher is in charge of that class will say something corny about love. I will be civil to boys for one day of the year. People (namely, girls) will ask me for the fiftieth time if I like Alec or Charley. Alec will probably make some stupid joke about me not wearing pink (and opting for black, knee-high army boots). Ah, V-day. :angry:

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well in my school we will just be having a party, and playing games and eating food and so on!

You guys don't like partys? Well. dances are always a big deal at my school. You see, we have to wear uniforms, so dances are usually the only time that we get wear casual clothes. It's also a big deal to the first years too. They don't have dances at the elementry school.

If you ever came to one of my dances, you'd swear that you're at a strip club! (And, yes, they are chaparoned.) :p :lol:

My school's not Really doing anything... but people can get these special roses, write who it's for on a tag, and put it into a big basket, and on Valentines Day a teacher comes and hands them out to whever got one ^_____^

I really hope I get one ^_^

-Bubba28 :D

My school's not Really doing anything... but people can get these special roses, write who it's for on a tag, and put it into a big basket, and on Valentines Day a teacher comes and hands them out to whever got one ^_____^I really hope I get one ^_^

-Bubba28 :D
My school did that. x.X I always thought it was depressing and in a way unfair. You'd always see the more popular people with 50 of the stupid things and then the less popular people with either one or none. I always saw it as a 'prove how many people care about you' type of thing.

I gave one to my ex the year before last. *shrug*

Maybe I'm just the Scrouge of Valentine's Day. ^.^'

Btw Bubba28, Happy belated birthday.

muhahah mines on the 9th cause on friday is the florida state fair, you's jelly-us?

muhahha i'm going wif my bf. ^_^

Our school is having a dance on the 10th too! I have a cute pink skirt with this beautiful white shirt... I must say it compliments me.. :)

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