Arent Cats the Greatest?


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Oh. Sorry. But there are many up~sides to cats! Did you know that cats can predict death and seazures? Also, cats dont scratch if you are nice and gentle with them, you could always have them declawed too! Kittens are just as playful as dogs, we are getting two and they are playful as can be! They run and jump over each other. Like any anial when they get older they get lazier.
You are so lucky to be getting kittens!

I only have one cat named

Yes, cats rock! ^^ I have one orange and white cat named Desmond, and I love him!

I cant understand how people could hate cats.....But I do understand everybody has their own personal tastes, and entitled to their own opinion.


i hate cats.i am more of a dogf and bunny lover. i have a bunny hes so cute.

Yes, cats rock! ^^ I have one orange and white cat named Desmond, and I love him!I cant understand how people could hate cats.....But I do understand everybody has their own personal tastes, and entitled to their own opinion.

Tamagirl Desy?

Well anyway, I like cats better

I don't know how anyone could like cats more than dogs. Lolz, dogs are so much cuter, playful, and friendly. But I respect all your opinions.
Not all cats are un-friendly, non-playful, and less cute. :wub: They can be just as cute (obviously!), playful, friendly and loving just as much as any dog. :wacko: I respect your opinion though. It's just, it just bugs me when people say they hate cats because one scratched have to expect some cats not to be friendly.


But that's why I don't like them. Dogs don't scratch. They may bite, but most don't. And there is a better chance to find a friendly dog than there is a friendly cat if you ask me. But it doesn't really matter, does it? I like dogs, not cats. That's the end of it.

Um...cats are way better although i respect you and your opinions...its personal i guess *points to begining of post* I like cats but dogs are cool too

I had a cat named Simba. I remember that we owned him, but wee gave him away to CuteDancerRachel.



Spanky, yes, Spanky. He was big and fluffy, we had him until I was about seven years old. I;m not sure what kind of cat he was, but I loved him to death, nut we gave him away. Me and my brother were so upset, my mom went out and bought Sylvester from some lady, while he was a kitten. (We already had Squeaky while we had Sylvester.)



Squeaky, we got her when I was six years old. She slept in a shoe box next to my pillow every night. She is gray, with a huge white patch on her chest. We named her Squeaky because when she meowed, it was all high pitched and squeak like. She is afraid of people who don't live in our house, except for CuteDancerRachel, shes been around enough that Squeaky has grown used to her.



Sylvester, is my baby.I love him to death and always will. He likes to put his head in my hair and chew on my hair, and prr while doing something weird with his paws. It reminds him somewhat of his mother. He is an outside cat, who leaves the house at six in the morning, and comes back some time at night. Hes extremely cuddly.



Tigger, oh Tigger. She's about.. four months old? She is too cute, but shes fisty and loves to play. Shes got the sweetest meow, and likes to sleep under the covers, next to your feet. Shes sweet as could be when shes sleepy and justy wakes up, other wise shes a devil kitty. Just today, there was a fly on the back door, to high up for her to reach, and shes all stretched out holding herself up trying to get it, so I picked her up and she killed it. Both of the flies, she killed. Shes a big help. :furawatchi: She fights with Squeaky every time the see eachother, and Squeaky usually starts hitting my little Tigger.

I absolutely LOVE CATS!!!!! but my parents say i cant have one. so sad.

I hate cats. I'm absolutely in love with dogs though. :(
ZOMG, finally a cat hater. I'm totally with you, GotchiGirl96.

I love doggies and bunnies tho^^ I have a bunny.

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