Ariana's Diary


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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
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Ravenclaw Tower
Dear Diary,

Finally! I'm free! Mom and Dad left me in the middle of the night, so now I can do whatever I want... :)

I went to the store and bought some sausage. The store keeper, Angie, was surprised that such a young petitchi could be be shopping all by herself! I'm just cool like that.

Ugh! I can't wait until I evolve! What will I become?? Unanswered questions:annoy-innng!!

Anyways, I think I'm gonna take a nap. For some reason I'm exausted...






(PS, yes this diary will continue even after Ariana is gone off my Music Star)

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Dear Diary,

YAY! I evolved into a hitodetchi!! Thank gosh...I thought I would become a...*shivers*...tamatchi...

First day of Kindergarten! I walked into the doors of Starville Academy more nervous than ever. What if the kids didn't like me? I was wearing a super special first-day-of-school dress and had a pink, sparkly messenger bag slung over my shoulder. I hoped this day would be perfect because I was staying at Starville through High School (that is, if I'm not discovered before then ;) )!

"Welcome to Starville Kindergarten!" a fat, pink tamagotchi stood at the front of the room. I was sitting in a green plastic chair surrounded by other small tamagotchis. "My name is Mrs. Frill." She turned around to write that on the blackboard behind her and her dress twirled.


Recess time!! I rush out of the small classroom as quickly as all the other kids. My friend Roger, the kuribotchi, and I go to play jumprope. He sits next to me in class.


My day is RUINED!! During snack time I spilled juice all over my dress!! I ran to the bathroom crying. Roger tried to follow, but he wasnt allowed in the Lady's Room...

Mrs. Frill later came and helped me clean off. My day got a little better after that. None of the kids teased me, which was good. Two best friends named Josie and Joy started to laugh, but Roger stood up for me. Could he be sweeter?

I scurried home after school and curled up, falling asleep after a nice dinner of Sushi.



Dear Diary,

Today, being Saturday, I didn't have school! I went over to Roger's house for a little bit (his mom made the BEST corndogs ever!!).

After that I decided to do a little shopping. I got a new babydoll butterfly print shirt and jeans.

When I got done shopping I went over to the post office, where I got 8,000 gotchi points from my mom!! I sent her a really sparkly and cute thank you note :)



Dear Diary,

Just finished my third-to-last day of Kindergarten! Tomorrow we are rehursing the graduation song and Mom and Dad are coming the next day after that!! Soon it'll be summer break and then 1st, 2nd , 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade...HOW EXCITING! After that its middle school then high school...dun dun duuuuuunnnnn!!! I'm busy practicing my harp so hopefully I can be recruited by a talent agency. Its pretty exciting... :)



Dear Diary,

After all the rehearsal we did, out kindergarten graduation show tanked. And I dont mean oh-they-are-so-cute-when-they-mess-up tanked, I mean thanks-to-SOMEONE-in-the-lighting-crew-we-had-to-leave-the-auditorium-with-fire-alarms-screeching tanked. At least Mom and Dad looked pretty happy :)

After the show Ms. Frill gave us all certificates to say we passed. I hung mine up in my room.

Finally-SUMMER BREAK!!!!! WHOOOO!!!!!!!! Time to go crazzyyyyy!!!

Well, not full out crazy, because we have required summer reading.... :p

But Any-WHO

Cant wait 'till my first day of freedom!!



(P.S. I know what your thinking. What school only has a week of Kindergaten? The Answer: Ma school!)

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Dear Diary,

Summer vaca is going to be ama-ZING!! I bought tickets for Roger and I to go visit Los Angeles for two whole weeks! Yes, so many possibilities with a hitodetchi and the town of stardom! *sigh* its going to be just perfect :)

You see, here's how everything is going to go. I'm going to "accidentally" go to the most popular and famous recording studio, walk inside, pretend I think this is my hotel, "accidentally" spill coffee on the person waiting to record, take their place, and become the most famous Harp musician in the whole world!! :D

Then I wont have to go back to Starville Academy and do my summer reading!

It's totally foolproof.

Tell you how it all goes!



Dear Diary,

Todays the day, the sun is shining, the tank is clean!! (Wait-isn't that from Finding Nemotchi?)

Well anyways, todays the day where I become a star!

This morning I'll walk in the streets your average hitodetchi tourist, but I'll come out of the recording studio the most famous musician to walk the earth!

Well, thats the plan, at least.

Let's do this.



Dear Diary,

You know how that graduation show was bad?

This was worse.

I mean, WA-AY worse.

Like I-now-have-a-broken-point(Im a star) worse.

At first my plan was going great. I got into the recording studio, blah, blah, blah. But when it came time to spill coffee on the next person going into the studio, I realized it was Justin Biebertchi! Now I had even more of a reason to spill coffee on him.... > :)

But I forgot one tinyyy little detail.

People Justin Beibertchi are famous. And famous people have connections. And it turns out, one of those connections was his body guard, who taught me a very valuable lesson. Justin Biebertchi really does not like coffee on his new pants!

I guess my vaca is ruined...good thing there's only two weeks left of summer until 1st grade will occupy me!

I'll write back more when I get home from Los Angeles. Roger and I are trying to still have a good time even though my point is in a sling.



(P.S. I didn't mean to offend all of you Justin Biebertchi fans!! ;) )

Dear Diary,

Roger and I both just got home.

Time for summer reading.


The doctor said I'd only need my point in a sling for about two more days.


The egg. The king egg.

So anyways Im just writing to say that I can't wait until 1st grade!!! There's going to be TONS more cool things going on in 1st grade. I mean, from art projects to naps....Ah, my dream... :)

I can't wait to get this sling off

List of Ariana's Can't-Wait-Fors:

1. Getting this sling off!

2. Starting 1st Grade

3. The store getting in more Giga Pudding :3


I'll write when I get my sling off. Roger and I are going to the park after.



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