As I Promised..


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x_Lynn Chan_x

Well-known member
Jul 21, 2007
Reaction score
Where it's Nine in the Afternoon
As I promised I'm going to tell you guys what it was like when I met the Jonas Brothers.

Well here I go;;


I brought my friends K and C. Only K was going to be in the picture with me. C came to see Joe and K and I came to see Nick.

When we were all finally there we got in line. We stood in line for what seemed like eternity. We waited two and a half hours becasue the Jonas Brothers were 30 minutes late (fashionably late). Finally everyone screamed, it was probably the loudest screaming session ever. I felt like my ear drums weer going to blow. Then I was looking at the back of the little stage trying to get a view to see (because I was a shrimp compared to everyone there) I saw the back of Kevin's hair and his jacket, he began to take it off, then he moved and Big Rob came where he was before and began talking to one of the security men. Before I knew it, the line began moving, then about 20 minutes later I was standing literally 4 feet away from Big Rob and the stage. Then it was finally my turn. I turned and saw Joe. He was impossible not to spot considering he was wearing the worlds brightest blue shirt. then he said,

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." he was smiling. He seemed so warm. I shook his hand but was too in shock to respond. Then I walked further foward and Nick was there he said,

"Hey." Then he too had his hand ready to shake. He seemed shy, but he seemed so kind.

Then I finally moved onto Kevin. He has the world's biggest smile. I don't know why, but when I saw him I wanted to cry, I didn't though. I held back my tears. Then he shook my hand and said,

"Heyy, It's great to meet you." his smile became even bigger as he spoke.

"for the picture you can stand there." he said as he poined next to him. So I moved over and stood there as he asked.

Nick raised his arm around my shoulder, but his hand was placed on Kevin's. Kevin was to the right of me, Nick was to the left of me, K was to the left of Nick, and Joe was to the left of K.

Then they took the pictures. Kevin then put his hand on my shoulder and pointed to the doors and said,

"Thanks you very much."

K and I got off the stage.


Meh. If you want to know anything else just ask me.




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*dead with jealousy* If Nick put his arm around me..... I would faint on the spot....

@ HarleyQuinnForTheWin - He's not. If he was any nicer it should have been illegal.


@ ducky23 - I didn't faint because I was already in shock.

Nick was even cuter in real life. =D


@ x.Nobody.x - I won a contest so I got to get my picture taken with them.

I do. Hmm..I might. xD

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I wanna see 8D

You could have taken me. Wait... I don't like JB XD

I could win a contest to get my picture taken with YOU!

Thats pretty cool. I don't really like the Jonas Brothers as a whole. Just Nick really. Yea but thats pretty sweet that you got to meet them! Congrats!

@ x.Nobody.x - I might put it up in the Picture of you topic in Seriously TT later on for maybe a few hours.


-hugsyou- Aww. I would have entered a contest to get my pic with you as well~

My avatar is actually from the picture. :'3


@ ~Laying.It.Down~ - Thank you. :]]


I hate you.


But seriously, I am so jealous of you. I wish I could win a contest to meet them but I would be compared to them.

I wish I could win a contest to meet them BUT I suck at these kinds of things.....

And if I did......

I would probably faint.........

@ Mrs.Joe Jonas - Don't hate me.


Hmm..doesn't radiodisney have contests to meet them? You could try entering one of them.


@ ~Lying.It.Down~ - ^^


@ ducky23 - Actually, this is the only contest I've ever won.


Squeee! Congrats! I'm soo happy for you! You lived my dream! xD

*Huggles* Congrats again!

@ x.Nobody.x - I might put it up in the Picture of you topic in Seriously TT later on for maybe a few hours.&&

-hugsyou- Aww. I would have entered a contest to get my pic with you as well~

My avatar is actually from the picture. :'3

Aw 8D

Now I really wanna see o.o

I'm going to look every minute on the minute for the next forever until you put it.



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