Ask a Stupid Question and.............


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Because you're the type of girl who will burst out laughing in dead silence because of soemething that happened yesterday (btw, so am I).

Why am I looking at my Sour Patch box~?

Cause i hit you on the head with a photo of Edward Cullen(SOOO UGLY!!)

Why do i think Edward Cullen is SOOOOO UGLY?

Because you were born with a tennis ball for a head,,,lol,IDK.XD,,made no sense.

Why is my avvie chocolate,I hate chocolate..:]

Because your very, very brave.

Why is it November?

Because I don't have blue in my siggie anymore :)

Why am I eating a brown apple? (seriously, I am) xD

Because I have cashews, duh. Seriously, Kay. Why would you ask such a dumb question? (xD This is fun)

Why am I too lazy to go put my plate in the sink?

Because I'm too lazy to give my apple core to my dog.

Why am I listening to Taylor Swift songs even though I dislike them? o.o

Because I'm fun to play with!

Why am I funner on the computer than I am in real life? (haha. seriously- I'm just annoying in RL) xD

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