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Some are, some aren't. I'm a brunette, by the way.

Why did I leave my brownie on the windowsill?

So that the beggar outside could steal it.

What is the meaning of "life & death"?

Because your you

Why must I always check on my forum?

because I want to see what posts have been made. you never saw this line <_<

Gee, I wonder.

Why can the adults I live with never make up their minds?

I wouldn't touch this one with a ten-foot pole.

Why is Fear Factor so boring nowadays (do a stunt, eat something nasty, do a stunt, eat something nasty...)?

they do the same things

Why does mike only like me as a friend

Because some boys are sissies. He's probably scared of your dad (like mt ex-boyfriend was).

Why is Dean Cain so FIIIINE?

Well, let me put it to you the "simple" way (just for you): There was a slight polar defect where you live, so in your region he comes out ugly, but in mine, he's hot. Either that, or you have no taste whatsoever.

Why do depressing songs seem to make me feel better?

your like its that depressiong

why r some boys so gross

by the way mike nevr met my dad

Because you either needed to puke or... whatever.

Why is Texas so overrated?

Isn't he the Muffin Man's cousin?

Peppers or pears?

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