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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
Reaction score
Ravenclaw Tower
You've all heard of advice columns, right? They show up in newspapers, the internet, blah blah blah. So I decided to make one here...sort of! Instead of being a normal advice column, its a silly, rediculous one! The first person types a random, silly problem they need help with, and the next person gives them even stupider advice! :) Then they type their own question under their answer and the game goes on. You ready? I'll start :)



Dear Allie,

My toes keep singing and my math teacher says I cant pass class with musical feet!! How can I fix this?!


Twinkle Toes




***Note: Please be nice and dont give mean advice like "Jump off a cliff" or "Hurt yourself". We want this to be a safe, happy, fun place to be wacky and silly! :)

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Dear Twinkle Toes,

Get your toes to preform for your math teacher, and ask her for a tip.

Sincerely, Allie

Dear Allie,

My dog keeps telling these wild stories to my guinea pig, and she keeps writing about them on my homework!

Please help!


Failing English

Dear Failing English,

Put your dog in a seperate room from your guinea pig so that he can't tell the guinea pig the crazy stories to write down!

Sincerely, Allie

Dear Allie,

I like pie, but every time I try to eat one, it tells not to and says I'm it's friend. Then it says "You wouldn't eat your friends, would you?"

What should I do?


Missing Pie

Dear Missing Pie,

Put the pie in the freezer. It should stop talking then!

Sincerely, Allie.

Dear Allie,

When I try to go to sleep at nite, my laptop talks to me.. and I tried shutting the lid/screen and it just opens back up and it won't shut up! Help!

Sincerely, Sleepless in Slumberville.

Dear Sleepless in Slumberville,

Try hiding it in your parents' room and lock your door when you go to sleep. If the problem still continues, feed it to your dog.



Dear Allie,

There's this fruitfly that keeps following me and trying to sell me it's homemade onion rings. I've tried eating one, but they taste gross! What should I do???


Onion Panic

Dear Onion Panic,

Eat the fruitflies.



Dear Allie,

My DSi keeps playing itself. What should I do?


DSi panic

Dear DSI Panic,

In a situation like this one you always need to

make sure your DSI is turned off:]



Dear Allie,

The crow next door keeps throwing

raging parties! What shall I do?


Business Bear

Dear Business Bear,

Throw all your rotten tomatoes at the crow's house. The crow should then get that the party's over.

Sincerely, Allie

Dear Allie,

My sister constantly turns into a butterfly and flutters around my face. But when I tell my parents they say I'm going crazy and it's just my imagination! How can I convince them I'm not crazy?


Fluttered Out

Dear Fluttered Out,

You need to address the problem

like a man, show em' who is boss

that might even mean catch your sister in a jar.



Dear Allie,

What if the chairs on your back

deck keeping mocking you?

I have tried everything! I need help.


Pirate Bear

Dear Pirate Bear,

Keep the pollution high so they die. If that doesn't work, Put it in the street.

Sincerely, Allie

Dear Allie, My TV keeps farting when I attempt to turn my Nintendo Wii! Can you help me?

Sincerely, TV Wii Pooper

Dear TV Wii Pooper,

Turn your Wii on BEFORE turning the TV on. If the TV still farts, buy a new TV.

Sincerely, Allie

Dear Allie,

I'm pretty sure I'm different in some way, but I'm not sure how, and everyone tells me I'm normal. What can I do?


So Not Normal

Dear So Not Normal,

You might be a fairy.

Sincerely, Allie

Dear Allie,

My Music Star just got married

and I'm super excited! How do I contain myself?


Mimitchi Matchmaker Excitement

Dear Mimitchi Matchmaker Excitement,

Put yourself in a box and close it. But be careful you don't get mailed away while in said box.

Sincerely, Allie

Dear Allie,

Dairies are supposed to be secret, right? Well mine isn't. Whenever I write stuff in it, it goes and tells everyone! Please help. I want my secrets back.

Sincerely, Un-Anonymous

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