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Active member
Mar 10, 2006
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i am here to answer the newbies questions...... i can answer any question!!!!!!i will be checking in all the time for new Q's.......and it is legal because in the Help For New Owners description it says ask questions or help other tamagotchi owners!!!!!!!So AskAway!!!!!! :angry: -_- ^_^ :angry:

well...i know you really are trying to be helpful but....

I'm happy that you want to help, though.


yes but if you read the description it says that you CAN help the other tama members...... so i dont believe i am doing anything wrong.... :mellow:

i need help entering shop codes in v3

im aware you need to press the a button untill the shop keeper looks surprised...

but when i press the a button 3 times it make the noise like you have incorectly punched in a code....

im not lying... please help.

i mean... "but when i press the a button 4 times it make the noise like you have incorectly punched in a code.... "

You would probably have to ask tamamum about that because it seems as if there is something wrong with your tama (so sorry!!) or it is a serious glitch!!!!!

i hope there is nothing wrong.....

we should ask others.. mabee it was a box of tamas sold with this problem.?

Did you get in touch with TamaMum??? If she couldn't help, then maybe i could find someone who can help you.. i will do anything for my Customers!!!!!!There could possibly be something wrong with the box of tamas....... But did it do this when you bought it or is it brand new... if it is brand new than you should get in touch with the place you bought it from and make sure it wasn't a bad shipment... if so, you can call the Bandai Inc. and tell them and see if you can get another one or a refund!!!!! :mellow:

i hate topics like this...because they fade away so fast...there have been like 10 topics like this in the past...and ppl dont want to ask 4 ur help if u keep on saying "ANY ONE?!,


it scares ppl off

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