Ask the Matchmaker at


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
Belchertown, Massachusetts, USA
Here. Ask her a Tamagotchi related question and then basically chat with her regarding what she says.

For example:

Me - Will UraTamas ever be for sale in the US?

Matchmaker - Yes, but only the Tamagotchi King knows for certain.

Me - Then how the heck do you know?

Matchmaker - I don't know.

Me - Then why'd you say you know?!

Matchmaker - I can't see that clearly now.

Me - OK, so will Entamas come to the US?

Matchmaker - I can't see that clearly now.

Me - Then take my glasses. *throws glasses at monitor*

Matchmaker - Definitely.

Me - Can I have my glasses back?

Matchmaker - Yes, but only the Tamagotchi king knows for certain.

Me - C'mon! You have to think for yourself for once, ya old bag!

Matchmaker - I don't know.

Me - Wow, you're really stupid!

Matchmaker - Definitely.

Me - LOL. I knew it, you ARE stupid.

Matchmaker - I will need to ask Mimitchi for that answer.

Me - DEE Dee dee!

Matchmaker - Ask again.

Me - DEE Dee dee!

Matchmaker - I can't see that clearly now.

Me - I'm outta here.

Matchmaker - I will need to ask Mimitchi for that answer.

Me - It means BYE BYE!

Matchmaker - I can't see that clearly now.

Heheh, so a funny conversation between me and the really stupid Matchmaker.

Anyone else wanna do it? If so, post your chat with it!

~ Dolores ~

Me: So... hows it goin' in tamaland?

Matchmaker: I can't see that clearly now.

Me: why not? Is it foggy?

Matchmaker: I don't know.

Me: Can you look outside for me?

Matchmaker: I can't see that clearly now

Me: Are you just to lazy to give me a real answer?

Matchmaker: yes, but only the Tamagotchi King knows for certain. *I cracked up at this*

Me: man, that King must Dis everyone!

Matchmaker: Have you inquired of the Tamagotchi King?

Me: What in the world does that mean?

Matchmaker: Have you inquired of the Tamagotchi King?

Me: o_O Are you gonna answer me old bag?

Matchmaker: Definantly. *wow, my first 'yes' xD*

Me: Okay, Answer!

Matchmaker: Have you inquired of the Tamagotchi King?

Me: Are you... slow or something?

Matchmaker: Ask again.

Me: Are you... slow or something?

Matchmaker: Ask again.

Me: Are you... slow or something?

Matchmaker: Ask again.

Me: Hows about I don't and say I did?

Matchmaker: Ask again.

Me: See ya. You're a one note. :/

Matchmaker: Definantly.

Me: k b cn u u old fart *note excessive chatspeak*

Matchmaker: have you inquired of the Tamagotchi King?


Matchmaker: I don't know

Strange... xD

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Lets see here

Me: Do you like Anime? Japanese Animation?

Matchmaker: Have you inquired of the Tamagotchi King?


Matchmaker: Definatly

Me: AWSOME! KISS MY *swear*

Matchmaker: Have you inquired of the Tamagotchi King?

Me: Are you mental? All you say is dumb stuff!

Lets see here
Me: Do you like Anime? Japanese Animation?

Matchmaker: Have you inquired of the Tamagotchi King?


Matchmaker: Definatly

Me: AWSOME! KISS MY *swear*

Matchmaker: Have you inquired of the Tamagotchi King?

Me: Are you mental? All you say is dumb stuff!
Heheheh. This is t3h funny-ness.

Me~Are you old,ugly, and wrinkly all in one! Man! Nightmares for a week!!

Matchmaker~I can't see that clearly now.

Me~Why? Are you also blind?!

Matchmaker~Have you inquired of the Tamagotchi King?

Me~Why is he your eye doctor?

Matchmaker~I can't see that cleary now.

Me~So I've noticed....

MatchMaker~Ask again.

Me~I didn't ask a question, you also deaf? Man your just a big world of ugly,deafness,blindness,and wrinkly?!

Matchmaker~I don't know.

Me~Oh so your also dumb,figures.

Matchmaker~Have you inquired of the tamagotchi king?

Me~Uh no....What the heck does he have to do with you being stupid!??!!

Matchmaker~Have you inquired of the tamagotchi king?

Me~NO! Okay you old dust bag, lets see if you can handle this one.... LEE DEL LEE DEL LEE DEL LEE!

Matchmaker~I will need to ask mimitchi for the answer to that.

Me~I'm outtie. Later dusty old maid of a stupid wrinkly person.

Matchmaker~I don't know.

lol Man I like to make fun of her, cause she can't be a snitch and tell on me.

haha! here's my chat:

Me: will you marry me?

matchmaker: yes, but only the tamagotchi king knows for certain.

Me: do you make your own decisions, or does the tamgotchi king do it for you?

matchmaker: I cant see that clearly now...

Me: oh no, he stole your eyes too, did he?

matchmaker:yes, but only the tamagotchi king knows for certain.

Me: well that's sad that you cant tell if your eyes are missing!

Matchmaker: I think I'll need to ask mimitchi for that answer.

Me: why, you cant think?

matchmaker: (this one's hilario!) I dont know.

Me: why aren't i surpised?

matchmaker: have you inquired of the tamagotchi king?

Me: girl, you need to get over your little crush.

matchmaker: (another funny) definitely.

Me: then why are you still obsessing over him?

matchmaker: i cant see that clearly now.

Me: then ask for your eyes back... *sigh* all this therepy and youre back where you started.

matchmaker: have you inquired of the tamagotchi king?

S-Me. M- Matchmaker.

S: Will En-Tamas be for sale in Australia?

M: Have you inquired of the Tamaagotchi King?

S: No

M: I don't know.

S: Okay then....

M: I will need to aske Mimitchi for that answer.

S: Ask him then. Will you?

M: Yes, but only the Tamagotchi king knows for certain.

S: But you need to decide yourself.

M: I will need to aske Mimitchi for that answer.

S: Why?

M: I don't know

Then I logged off, She is stupid.

Me-How are you on this fine day?

MM (Matchmaker)- Have you inquired of the Tamagotchi King?

Me-Are you kidding?

MM-I will need to ask Mimitchi for that answer.

Me-You're not very bright, are you?

MM-I don't know

Me-I'll take that as a yes.

MM-I will need to ask Mimitchi for that answer.

Me-I'm outta here.

MM-I can't see that cleary now.

mm- matchmaker m-me

m-whats wrong with ur hair

mm. i dont know

m-well so something about it because i think u are goin bald

mm-ask again

i got boared after a while

Me:Why are V4s in Spain?


Me:That's not what you're supposed to answer!

MM:Have you inquired of the Tamagotchi King?


MM:I don't know.

Me:Then why do you want me to do it?

MM:I can't see that clearly now.

Me:Do you need glasses?


Me:Well get some!

MM:Ask again.

Me:I didn't ask anything!

MM:Ask again.

Me:I didn't ask anything!



MM:Ask again.


MM:Yes,but only the Tamagotchi King knows for certain.


MM:I can't see that clearly now.


MM:I don't know.

Me:Ugh!You're stupid!

MM:I can't see that clearly now.

Me:I'M LEAVING!!!!!!!

MM:Have you inquired of the Tamagotchi King?


MM:I will need to ask Mimitchi for that answer.



her: i don't know

me:do u know anything

her: yes, but the tamagotchi king knows for certain

me: what?!

her: (she repeated her last answer)

me: shut upabout the king!

her: have u inqurid with the king?

me: oh shut up

her: (repeats last answer)

me: once more and i leave

her: i will need to ask Mimitchi for that answer

me: leaves

Here's something I found on a site..

Match: Ask me a question.

Person: K..

Match: I can't see that clearly now.

Person: Yeah, it's getting dark..

Match: I can't see that clearly now.

Person: Mm.. sure.. I believe you.. no, really..

Match: Have you enquired of the Tamagotchi King?

Person: Nah, it's boring.

Match: Definitely.

Person: You agree?

Match: I don't know.

Person: You're confusing me, now!

Match: Yes, but only the Tamagotchi King knows for certain.

Person: Waaaaah?

Match: Yes, but only the Tamagotchi King knows for certain.

Person: Oh, right.. I get it now.. you're joking.. haha..

Match: I don't know.

Person: Whatcha mean?

Match: I don't know.

Person: You'll never know what I mean..

Match: I don't know.

Person: Yar

Match: Have you inquired of the Tamagotchi King?

Person: No, why? Should I?

Match: I don't know.

Person: Should I? Or not?

Match: Definitely.

Person: Yay! I'm going to the King!

Match: I don't know.

Person: Huh? But you said..

Match: I can't see that clearly now.

Person: You should have gone to specsavers!

Match: Definately.

It's LOL funny.. :)

Here's another one. You know the gig but anyway... S-Me M- Her

S: Is it snowing where you live?

M: I don't know.

S: Why don't you look out the window?

M: I don't know.

S: Is that all you can say?

M: I can't see that clearly now.

S: Aah, I see! Is your window fogged up?

M: Ask again.

S: Why, are you deaf?

M: I don't know.

S: OK! :]

M: I don't know.

S: Don't you know I didn't ask you anything?

M: I don't know.

S: You don't know a lot do you?

M: Have you inquired of the Tamagotchi King?

S: Why, do I need to?

M: I will need to ask mimitchi for that answer.

S: What if he doesn't know?

M: I can't see that clearly now.

S: Am I pretty?

M: Definatly.

S: Thanks! Bye, will you miss me?

M: Definatly.

Then I logged out.

My brother:dfffffgjhbjt

MM:I can't see that clearly now.

Me:Of course you can't!He's three!

MM:I will need to ask Mimitchi for that answer.

My brother:wdertg tyu

MM:Have you inquired of the Tamagotchi King?

My brother:weeeeeeeddfrtghyju

MM:I can't see that clearly now.

Me:Get glasses!


Me:Okay!We'll be waiting for you here.

MM:I don't know.

My brother:eredfdgfu


My brother:dfrtyuuiiooppl

MM:Ask again.

My brother:dfrtyuuiiooppl

MM:Yes,but only the Tamagotchi King knows for certain.

Me:How do you understand him?!

MM:Yes,but only the Tamagotchi King knows for certain.


MM:I can't see that clearly now.

My brother:zsddffgghhhj

MM:I will need to ask Mimitchi for that answer.


MM:I will need to ask Mimitchi for that answer.

My brother:yukljhgfdsa

MM:Have you inquired of the Tamagotchi King?

Me:No he hasn't!

MM:Yes,but only the Tamagotchi King knows for certain.

My brother:*leaves*


Cool!, I will have to try that!

Heres mine:

Me: Are you happy?

MM: Have you inquired of the tamagotchi King?

Me: He doesn't know

MM: Definately

Me: You arn't making any sense

MM:I don't know

Me:Do you know anything?

MM: I don't know

Me: I thought you were clever

MM: Yes, but only the tamagotchi king knows for certain

Me: How old are you? 1000?

MM: Ask again

Me: Are you married?

MM: I can't see that clearly now

Me: Well get glasses then :)

MM: I can't see that clearly now

Me: Goodbye

MM: I don't know!

That was strange!

Me: Hello.

MM: I can't see that clearly now.

Me: Why not?

MM: I don't know.

Me: Okey then... you like taquitos?

MM: Yes, but only the Tamagotchi King knows for certain.

Me: What? You don't know what you like?

MM: I can't see that clearly now.

Me: Lemme guess. You don't know why, right?

MM: Definitely.

Me: Wahah! I'm right!

MM: Yes, but only the Tamagotchi King knows for certain.

Me: No... I'm pretty sure I know for certain. Not the King.

MM: Ask again.

Me: No... I'm pretty sure I know for certain. Not the King.

MM: Definitely.

Me: Right again. Why would anyone come to ask you questions? You seem like a senile old fart to me.

MM: I will need to ask Mimitchi for that answer.

Me: Well, I was talking to Mimitchi the other day and she said that you were a senile old fart, so you don't need to ask.

MM: Have you inquired of the Tamagotchi King?

Me: Yes and he said that you were a senile old fart.

MM: Definitely.

Me: So, you are a senile old fart after all.

MM: Definitely.

Me: *ahem* Goody Matchmaker, do you send your spirit out to harm these children?

MM: I will need to ask Mimitchi for that answer.

Me: Did you see Goody Mimitchi with the Devil?

MM: Definitely.

Me: Good. Did you see Goody Memetchi with the Devil?

MM: I can't see that clearly now.

Me: Did you traffick with the Devil? Did you sign your name in his book?

MM: I will need to ask Mimitchi for that answer.

Me: Did you sign your name in the Devil's book? Answer me!

MM: Yes, but only the Tamagotchi King knows for certain.


MM: I don't know.

...The I closed the tab.

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MM: yes, but only the tama king knows for sure

Me: your dumb

MM: i can't see that clearly now


MM: i don't know


MM: Have you inquierd the tama king?

me: am i cool?

MM: defenetly

my sis: reno is minw right?

MM: i will have to ask he mimitchi for that


MM: i need to ask the mimitchi

my sis: it is simple: RENO IS MINE!

MM: i will have to ask the mimitchi.

me: you are the mimitchi!

MM: i don't know.....

BTW: this is fun! back to my notes!

me: will i be a detectiv on club penguin?

MM: i can't see that clearly now.

me: will i find my true love?

MM: defenetly

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Me:Ello Hag

MatchMaker:I dont know....

Me:You dont know what?

MatchMaker:Ask again.

Me:You dont know what?

Matchmaker:I will need to ask mimitchi for that answer

Me:Ok then.......Answer this one.....

MatchMaker:I dont know.

Me:O.O Are you an old hag with a billion wrinkles and a face like a red river hog?

MatchMaker:(This made me crack up.)Yes,But only the Tamagotchi King knows for certain

Me:Why?Can he read minds?

Matchmaker:Yes,But only the Tamagotchi King knows for certain


matchmaker:Ask again

Me:Make me.

Matchmaker:I cant see that clearly now.

Me:Will you be able too later?

Matchmaker:Yes but only the Tamagotchi King knows for certain

Me:Does he know everything?

Matchmaker:Ask again

Me:does he know everything?

Matchmaker:Ask again.


Matchmaker:Ask again


Matchmaker:ask again.

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