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I'm 12 years old and 125. I lost weight by stopping eating when i'm bored, and going outside everyday and jogging down the road, or maybe running or riding my bicycle. I don't think you should worry about your weight. Your only 11.
Good point with emotional/stress eating. I have the same issue and it's hard to break the cycle:

I eat because I'm stressed

Then I get more stressed that I'm eating so much over being stressed

Then I eat because I'm even more stressed

Then I get-- ETC!

You shouldn't worry and be a slave to the scale but try to make an efort to eat healthier and excersize. You're fine and you're beautiful. Remember that. :]

Weight gets to everyones heads. o_O

I weigh way more than I would like too, but I still look somewhat normal. Those BMI tests aren't very accurate because they don't take many things into count:

-How heavy your bones are

-Your muscles

And if you're done growing yet. You're 11 so you are obviously not done growing yet. You should ask your doctor and see what s/he says about your weight. But for now, just exercise and stick to the fruits and veggies. No need to go and diet.

Also the thing when you look in the mirror, maybe what you see in your eyes is what you THINK you look like and not what you really look like.

Good point with emotional/stress eating. I have the same issue and it's hard to break the cycle:
I eat because I'm stressed

Then I get more stressed that I'm eating so much over being stressed

Then I eat because I'm even more stressed

Then I get-- ETC!

You shouldn't worry and be a slave to the scale but try to make an efort to eat healthier and excersize. You're fine and you're beautiful. Remember that. :]
I used to eat when I'm sad, bored, and angry. Now I got over it. I just don't think at 11, 12, or 13 should be worried. Weight gets to your head, and you get worried. Besides. You said this was a B.M.I, correct? I don't think their accuarate or not, but its what a computer is telling you.

BTW, muscle weighs more than fat. So if you are exercising (And eating well) and are gaining weight, that's a really good sign! It means that you're replacing your fat for muscle.

My doctor said I was a little overweight. My problem isn't not exercising, or eating well, it's just portion control. It takes about 20 minutes for you to feel full after eating... So try things like putting your fork down in between bites.


First off, don't call yourself fat, because you aren't. I'm 14, and 120 LBs. When people tell you that you're losing weight, you really are, because you look at yourself in a different light. You are your body's worst critic. If you're looking for more excercise try taking up a dance class. As you can see by my name, that's what I love, and it really helps to keep weight off. Hope you feel better! :D :D :D

Don't worry! Just about everybody feels uncomfortable about their weight sometimes. I do too. Try to eat healthy and get lots of exercise. Remember to talk to your doctor before going on a diet, because they can be really dangerous at times, especially at your age. To make exercise fun, get involved in a sport or physical activity you love. Don't get stressed out about your weight, instead be happy for who you are, no matter how much you weigh. Also, don't eat if you are bored, only eat if you are hungry. I hope this helps! :)

Your Friend,


I'm 12 years old, and 97-100 pounds, sometimes, i call that fat, but i blame myself. :p Maybe some people are just overweight because they havn't lost all their baby fat, or maybe it's just their muscles.. ( sorry for the wrong spelling) :)

I dont exactly know how to explain baby fat... :)

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Don't worry about it. Just eat healthy and excercise regularly. You see, it's the exact opposite for me. I look in the mirror and it looks like I'm anorexic. I'm 11, turning 12 this year and I'm 54lbs.

I'm 15 and I'm 110 but I was 120 when I was 11. No worries, I had a growth spurt one morning and lost 10 pounds! xD

I took a BMI test, and found out that my BMI is 24.2, when 24.9 is the limit for normal. Then it said I am at risk for becoming overweight. I'm always depressed at my weight (120 and I'm 11yrs). I feel fat.
I've been on a diet, and people say I look like I lost weight. but when I look in the mirror I'm still my same old fat self. What can I do?
Well, a BMI does not care whetheryour body weight is muscles, water - or fat. The human body is made of 72% water, which makes the most of body weight - skinny or obese. As you are only 11 and see some extra weight you could expect a growth spurt in not too long.

Don't throw yourself on a diet, your body needs a sufficient amount of nutrients to continue to grow and develop. just be careful what you eat - not too much soda, snacks and trans fatty junkfood. Trans fat will clog your arteries no matter how young you are, so limit the snacks to one day a week. (I prefer Sundays.)

Summer is on us so drink much, much water. a person who sits on his or hers behind all day needs almost a gallon of water each day, so drink a lot of water, especially at meals. Remember:

- Muscles weigh much more than fat.

- Water in the body weighs the same as body fat (finally, a plausible situation where you can blame gravity)

- Not all fat is result of unhealthy lifestyle. The body needs a small portion (healthy) fat as insulation for your entrails (Excuse that word, it's so disgusting:p)

Young people shouldn't diet - just eat healthy and exercise for at least two hours a day, plus getting nine hours sleep at night.

Look alive and accept yourself. I've had eating disorders for years so don't do the same mistakes i did. :huh: :rolleyes:

EVERYBODY eats too much when food is placed in front of us, so get smaller servings, and eat more slowly. If you are hungry after that, get another small serving. Continue that process. when you are finished eating, you shouldn't feel completely stuffed like you can't move and are gonna throw up. You know when you are done when You aren't hungry anymore, but could eat more. Also eat several small meals a day, Instead of 3 huge main meals. It is scientifically PROVED that that is wayyyyyy healthier.

At 5'0" a 'healthy' weight range can actually be from 98lbs to about 122lbs. I'd be overly screwed if I was meant to be 100lbs.
I'm 5"2,90lbs, and 12yrs old......... I'm underweight apparently. I just had a big growth spurt though.

It all depends on height.


Hun, I just think that's baby fat. If you exercise and eat right you'll loose it by 14-15.

Dude, dont worry. Your nowhere near being overweight, 120 pounds is perfectly normal. Im in grade 6, Im 12 years old, 5'7, and I weigh 140 pounds. no big deal. I do think I have an eating problem though...I eat WAYYY to much and I cant stop, I must break my habbit before it begins to show xD

anyways, just dont worry about it. As long as your getting exercise and eating healthy, your going to be fine. I bet most of that weight is muscle anyways! :(

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Don't worry about it. Just eat healthy and excercise regularly. You see, it's the exact opposite for me. I look in the mirror and it looks like I'm anorexic. I'm 11, turning 12 this year and I'm 54lbs.

54 POUNDS!!? Oh my....How tall are you? I think that 54 pounds is greatly underweight for someone your age. Well, depending on your height.

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