At what age does the matchmaker comes...


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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
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Mine is an adult, so I wanted to know, thanks.

ahhh but for when mating with connenting the two tamas have to have been adults for at least 24 hours. 8D

Well ~Zunky~ one time my tamagotchi made babies in about a hour once. It all depends on what tamagotchi and age their on. (From what I Observed).

The Matchmaker will come 3 days/ 3 years after the adult. She will come anytime but the most common times are 10:29 PM, 2:59 PM, or 6:59 PM. Then you wait a minute.


thing about v4s is that the match maker doesn't come at a set age but instead somewhere between 6-8 as others have said. hope i helped!

The matchmaker can start visiting at the age of 7, and can go on to 11 years old! :p Be patient, she doesn't visit everyone at the age of 7. :mametchi:


ah jeez mine wont mate with my brothers. mine is 4, his is 2 so i guess ill have to wait. iv heard that they both have to be 5 or older

yes it's 5-11. my tama (1st gen) got married from matchmaker when she was 5 and another tama (5th gen) got married from matchmaker when he was 11! :)

One time my Tama got the matchmaker during the night and i did not hear it. But when I woke up in the morning it was there. So the match maker can come at any time during the day or night.

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