Auditions / Interviews / Things of that sort


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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009
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Soo. I recently (5/19/10) had one of the most important days of my life. It was an interview / audition for Technical Theatre Productions at the senior high. It's basically honors theatre and you're required to work shows and it's for those kids interested in a future with theatre

I went in completely 100% nervous. I was a wreck. But after looking at all the kids and getting to know a few of them, they were actually amazingly cool. The audition part went wellish. The intervew part brought back my nerves. I was the fourth to be interviewed or fifth. But once I started talking the nerves definitely left me.

Now I'm nervous again about waiting for the results!

So. Quesions to you.

-Any audition or interview experiences that stick out in your memory?

-Generally your favorite part about these types of things?

-Generally least favorite parts?

-How do you react before, during, and after these things?

I recently had an interview for graduate school and that sticks out the most because it was my first interview for a school and it would determine my future and all that. My favorite part when I go into interviews/auditions in general is just that feeling of going out there, showing my stuff, and giving it my all. My least favorite part would definitely be the nervousness before I do the interview or audition. Before the interview, when I first found out that I could have a shot at getting into my first choice grad school, I was super excited and proud because I have been working very hard in college and now, I have this chance to specialize and get closer to what I want to do in life (I want to be in the medical field, treating patients, helping people). During the interview, I just tried to keep a cool head and remember what I had practiced. After the interview, I felt relieved and happy that I left nothing on the table and gave it my best. I also remember my auditions for various talent shows (I love singing) and definitely my auditions as a violinist for music festivals. One of the best parts about those was that I got to know more people, just like you. I hope you get what you want. :unsure:

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A few weeks ago, I had a piano thing where I had to play in front of a judge and they had to rate me on how well I played. I guess it wasn't exactly an interview or audition, but it was like one. I never practice, because I don't really like piano, but I wanted to do good so I practiced a lot. I was doing so well in practice, and went I went in, I got so nervous, I forgot the song, and he had to put my book back in front of me. It was horrible. I ended up getting a 4/5, but I worked so hard, I should have had a 5/5. My least favorite part would definitely be getting nervous !


Anyways, good luck to you.

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I've never had to do a big interview type thing, but this past week I made my speech for why people should vote me into class office. I ran for secretary. I was a bit nervous before, but I'm pretty good with public speaking, so when I got on stage I was perfectly fine. Afterward, I felt good about what I had said.

-Any audition or interview experiences that stick out in your memory?

*Well, the most recent are my acting finals where I had to perform a monologue where I was a gunman, and then getting accpeted for Acting II Honors, which isn't normally a sophomore thing.

-Generally your favorite part about these types of things?

*I like feedback. Because I'm usually very nervous for big-type performances, so if people look like they thought I did well, it's like a huge sigh of relief.

-Generally least favorite parts?

*I'm almost never nervous doing regular performances, but thinkgs that I'm being more harshly judged upon worry me. I get scared.

-How do you react before, during, and after these things?

*Before, I always always always need a drink of water. I try to get a lot. During, I'm alkways incredibly thirsty even though I just drank, and afterwards I need another drink. I'm pretty sure it's just from being nervous though.

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