Australian Government Warns Tourists to...


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Well Canada is a very differnt country than Australia

In Australia its always warm and its cold in Canda so there not realy "ready" for that kind of climnate change I guess :/

And South Korea is a beutiful country and is very safe

Its not like there going around shooting people there goverment is pretty much the same as Americas :l

Well Canada is a very differnt country than AustraliaIn Australia its always warm and its cold in Canda so there not realy "ready" for that kind of climnate change I guess :/

And South Korea is a beutiful country and is very safe

Its not like there going around shooting people there goverment is pretty much the same as Americas :l
Australia isn't always warm. That is a myth. True, it does get very hot but it doesn't stay that way all year round.

Yes, Australia is in a really, really big drought. We have water restrictions. my area water restrictions are on level 3 but I heard that in some places they have had to create new levels, like level 6.

I suppose Canada is next to the USA where the main terrorist attacks happened.

As for the weather conditions - no country is permanently safe. Australia sometimes gets massive bush fires, even now.

Oh well, if people want to believe that Canada is dangerous then let them. We can't change someone's opinion.

"We advise you to exercise caution and monitor developments that might affect your safety in Canada because of the risk of terrorist attack," says the travel advisory.

"The website further warns about bush and forest fires which "can occur any time in Canada." "

- Terrorist attack? What the fudge. I read we're NOT on a risk for terrorist attacks. Dang.

- Forest fires do not just start out of no where. They don't happen every minute. Extreme summer heat or stupid campers cause forest fires. They're not magic.

Better warn the aussies about the daily tsunamis too..

Better warn the aussies about the daily tsunamis too..
Did you know that the majority of Aussies really like Canada and Canadian people? just because it was on the net doesn't mean that all Aussies agree.

Did you know that the majority of Aussies really like Canada and Canadian people? just because it was on the net doesn't mean that all Aussies agree.
Oh I know that, just the government assumes things without taking in real facts.

That comment wasn't at the people. :mametchi:

"We advise you to exercise caution and monitor developments that might affect your safety in Canada because of the risk of terrorist attack," says the travel advisory.
"The website further warns about bush and forest fires which "can occur any time in Canada." "

- Terrorist attack? What the fudge. I read we're NOT on a risk for terrorist attacks. Dang.

- Forest fires do not just start out of no where. They don't happen every minute. Extreme summer heat or stupid campers cause forest fires. They're not magic.

Better warn the aussies about the daily tsunamis too..
I found that hilarious xD Espcially since I live in Canada. We're not really under the threat of a terrorist attck right now, and we rarely get forest fires. I agree, better warn them about the daily tsunamis! xD

"We advise you to exercise caution and monitor developments that might affect your safety in Canada because of the risk of terrorist attack," says the travel advisory.
"The website further warns about bush and forest fires which "can occur any time in Canada." "

- Terrorist attack? What the fudge. I read we're NOT on a risk for terrorist attacks. Dang.

- Forest fires do not just start out of no where. They don't happen every minute. Extreme summer heat or stupid campers cause forest fires. They're not magic.

Better warn the aussies about the daily tsunamis too..
Ahahha, Tsunamis xP

I've been in the middle of a Tsunami, its not fun at all .

And might as well warn them about daily Tornados all year round. xD Nice one about Tsunamis.

I just think it's stupid to warn us about coldness and crap in Canada (No offence xD). COME ON. >.< We know the "risks" about going to Canada. Sure, just some snow here and over there. But they think a snow Tornado could pop outta nowhere and terrorists will be flying out of it shooting people. xD


P.S: Actually, a snow Tornado would be AWESUM!!! XD

Ok, come on! It seems like none of you guys live in Canada so I would advise that you should keep your traps shut.

Its really offensive... some of the posts I read here. And if the Australian government warned people not to come to Canada. Then thats their problem. Its not even that bad.

I live in Australia :ichigotchi:

Well I think warning us about Canada is a bit over of the top :ichigotchi: I mean, we also get very cold. Some areas go down to negative degrees celcious in Winter anyway. If they go there, they should be ready for the climate. Also, terrorism can be from anywhere. We are just kind of lucky we haven't had many big terrorism attacks like other places have.

I guess the govenment thinks its more of a risk than me :|

Well, I've never been to either Canada nor Austrailia, but if I were to go to one of the countries, it would be Austrailia since that's where the new v5 tams are :) .

Ok, come on! It seems like none of you guys live in Canada so I would advise that you should keep your traps shut.Its really offensive... some of the posts I read here. And if the Australian government warned people not to come to Canada. Then thats their problem. Its not even that bad.
For the record I live in Canada. :]

It's just the fact that this new Austrailian government has most likely never been to Canada, and is probably taking facts from Wikipedia.

Of course it's going to be cold here, it's not a hazard. We live in this conditions for 5 months a year pretty much. You always do research before going somewhere, and I kow during those 5 months people will be smart enough to bring a coat. It's not like we have -39900' temperatures 24/7.
"An Australian government website lists Canada as a country where travellers need to be cautious about terrorism, dangerous winter driving and cold weather conditions."

I never knew Canada was so dangerous..? Apparently South Korea and China are safer. Weird.

Your thoughts?
That is definitely not true, also, anywhere is dangerous, plus, Canada is technically the safest country in the world. I'm from Canada myself as well.

I can tell you now, Canada is not a place to be afraid of. My country is full of culture, happiness, and safeness.

Canada is perfectly safe.

That being said, no country is safe, in this day and age, crimes are becoming more common, and more violent.

Not trying to brag for my country, but I bet if you were to actually rank it, it would be one of the safest places.

I mean, sure, we've had some big killings, and some terrorism, but in this country you can walk down the road to go to the store, in this country, you don't have to be afraid to walk alone at dusk. But, like in any country, you need to have precautions.

I think the Government is also mistaken about our weather here.

Yes, we get snow, and yes it gets cold in the winter. Every country that isnt very close to the equator does.

(Just for the heck of it all: We do NOT have to snowshoe. There is NO snow in the summer. We do NOT live in igloos. :\)

I think that Canada is safe, Im sure most agree, but the Australian Governmet doesnt think so. Maybe they are trying to get less tourism here? Or maybe they truly think that.

Haha, they also said we get "regular earthquakes" xD
AHAHA!! Forgive me for the double post but.

WOW! "regular earthquakes" WTH? ahaha!

They must think we live in earthquaketerrorismcoldplacada or something!

Wooh! xD

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