Avatar - The Last Airbender


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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2006
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Lost in the Abyss.
I am talking about Avatar: The Last Airbender. Not the new movie Avatar. The TV show on Nick.

So, who likes this show? Favorite characters? Favorite pairings? Anything else you would like to share?

So, post away Avatar lovers. :)

Personally, I love the show. It is probably my favorite one that airs on TV. My favorite characters are Zuko and Jet (Yay for side-character). My favorite pairing is Zutara. Kataangs okay. Meh. In the pop-up edition, they said that Zuko was originally the love interest for Katara. Why'd they change it.


OMg i luv that show ;) <3 <3

my favorite character is Katara but my fav pairing is Tokka (Toph+ Sokka)

Havent seen that show in a long time....

All I can do is watch the old ones on YTV on demand :angry:

My favourite character is probably umm...... I dunno theres so many to chooses from :D Anyways its an awsome show!

It is an amazing show. x3

They aren't going to make any new ones. It's over. There's nothing really left to do.

SPOILER (highlight)

Aang defeated Firelord Ozai and Zuko defeated Azula. (Neither one of them died though. Prison yes.) Zuko was crowned as Firelord. Yay Zuko <3 Aang was also given some award or something or whatnot. Aang and Katara ended up with each other. Zuko and Mai got back together I think. Happy ending. Nothing really else to do.

