Avril Lavigne


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Feb 23, 2008
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Pennsylvania ;D
I haven't seen a topic on her in a while so I'm curious.

For me, I used to LOVE her, now I still am a fan of her music, just not as much. She has a new album coming out near the end of this year, I just hope it's more like Let Go or Under My Skin, her songs actually had meaning then, now most of them seem to..preppy aside from a few songs.

What do you think of her and her music?

Thanks guys. xD

Anyway... I've only heard a couple of her songs. I mean... she's not like amazing but. Ehh. I have mixed feelings.

I think she's great, and very talented.

One of my favorite musical artists.

I still like Avril but I more prefer her albums before The Best D*** Thing. They had a certain feel to them that were relateable. I mean some of her newer songs have a bit of meaning like Innocence, When You're Gone, and Keep Holding On but not the same.

I still like Avril but I more prefer her albums before The Best D*** Thing. They had a certain feel to them that were relateable. I mean some of her newer songs have a bit of meaning like Innocence, When You're Gone, and Keep Holding On but not the same.
I completely agree.

It seems each of her albums aimed toward a different genre.

Let Go: Punk

Under My Skin: Emo

The Best D*** Thing: Pop

She's okay, I guess. I never liked many of her songs. I can't really make a deep connection, so I'm stopping here.

I used to love her when I was little. I liked her third album too, just not as much as Let Go and Under My Skin. Though I'm definitely looking forward to hearing her new songs.

She is good...but I hate that song Girlfriend. It has a crude swear in it. And I don't see the point of forcing someone away from their guyfriend.

With her first and second albums, I loved her. I still think the songs on those albums are great. But then when her third album came out, I couldn't really stand her.

AHAHAHAHAHA! This is my kinda topic xDD

I think I have an unhealthy obsession with Avril's music, I love it, and I love her (no, before the comments start coming in, not in that way..).

That's not to say I don't have my criticisms of her.

I love how catchy lots of the songs are on the new album, however her songs really aren't as deep as they used to be.. At all. And, on a more technical musical quality of things, the chords used seem to be a lot more basic, with little in the way of complex lead guitar.

Innocence, When You're Gone and Keep Holding On (haha, all the big ballads) are definitely my favourite songs on the new album, they're beautiful. And the instrument textures (she wrote for the whole darn orchestra in those songs) and lyrics on them are gorgeous. Overall, I love this album, and it's what got me back into her (and, I'll admit, a little crazy for her music)

The first album was great, and I think it's more of an 'Avril' album, before she'd changed, and she didn't care what people thought. She wrote about life, and I loved that about her.

Second album, some tracks were a little noisy for my liking, but the lyrics and writing of the songs musical wise was great.. So, yeah..

I just like how she writes all her own songs, and, man, she can really sing when she tries xDD Can't say which album I like the best, I love them all despite their (very few, and unimportant) faults =D

And I agree with SpiceRum, she's extremely talented, and my very favourite artist!! :3

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On a second you will be wrapped around my finger, because I can, cause I can do it better. x3

I loved the song, but it was soo 2007.. That's the only song I noticed Avril Lavinge she was in. Other than that, I don't pay attention to her. She was a very nice style, though.


slipping down a slide. i did enjoy the ride. donno what to decide. you lied to me. (thats get over it, by avril alvigne. my favorite song ever)

I used to LOVE her, now I just like her. I don't really listen to her often, but she's still good.
