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yes, those movies scare me more then any horror movie ever could o.o

To stay awake I take notes. For some reason, whenever we watch videos in class my mind goes on thinking of other stuff unless I take notes. It helps. Really.

Okay, though, admittedly, I do sometimes have trouble not falling asleep when it's just a random video and there's like, nothing to note down. Still, though, no teacher has "yelled bloody murder" at me for falling asleep. Then again, I never have. If they do catch me opening and closing my eyes, they'll say, "tired?" and I just nod.

Oh, princess08, how I love your topic titles.

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I know.. In 7th grade we read a book called "The wave" in english. It was horrible..
I just read that in class! It was so stupid it was based off the holocaust or something like that. Kids these days are not that corny lol. Furthermore the Holocaust was a serious issue that book was making fun of it basically so idiotic I'm sorry but it was.

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The worst are in health class.

"So you see kids, if you don't execise you'll become.."


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Yea..... whenever I have to watch videos like that I text my friends. Today I'm all : HEY GF WATCHA DOIN...? Her: LOL phoebe wtf Me: I watchin this video in math thats boring as H#%$ Her: The 1 about fractions Me: YAH Her: That tly sucks man Me: tly anyway what class r u in Her: science Me: are you not learning about the periodic table thing? Her: lol ya UR DISTRACTING ME Me: it's fun distracting you. And it went on and on and on like that. Sometimes I draw or sleep though.

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