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Jul 19, 2011
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i have been playing my v4.5 tama it had a baby 2 days ago, but it's still there.... does it normaly take this long for a parent to leave on a v4.5? what's up with it?

Its normally 2 days and then at midnight the parent should leave. If you have paused it then it would take a little longer as it has not been 2 days/nights. :)

The parent has to be with the baby for a full, unpaused 24 hours, and then if you set the time to 11:59 the parent will leave. Then if you set the time back to normal you can take care of it. Or, if you want to wait until while you're sleeping, you can take care of the baby in the morning.

is it true that if you pause it at night the adult will never leave? :mellow:
Yeah. If you pause it 1 minute before 12 (11.59) wait one minute until 12 and then unpause it, your tama still grows fine and the parent will still be there. Basically, as long as you never let the time get to 12am, the parent can stay with you forever.

If you try speeding up the time(mess with the clock) to get the parent to leave faster it will take longer. :)

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