baby on the way!please read and reply!


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Mar 24, 2007
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my mom will be expecting a baby soon. the due date is december 16 2007. well one, I wake up at 5:00 to catch the bus and the baby will be screaming all night. all the attention will be dircted to "it" and it will be DECMBER16 oras I call it 9 9MORE DAYS TILL' CRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wich means about all there monny will be spent on the baby and all the suplys! plez give me advice. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese! :angry:

I agree with ta9394! I remember when my baby sister was brand new and I got up in the middle of the night to help my mom and dad with her! But then again I love kids! lol!

P.S. Just PM me if you need any advice!

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Congratulations on the exciting news! :]

Just because there's a baby on its way doesn't mean that you won't get any attention! You'll parents will love you both equally.

If you're not going to get any sleep, maybe take a nap when you can. Not during class though! ;D

It doesn't take THAT much money to buy baby stuff... I'm sure you're parents will get you what you want.

Maybe you should tell them how you feel. And just remember; think about the baby, not just yourself.

Good luck! =D

my mom will be expecting a baby soon. the due date is december 16 2007. well one, I wake up at 5:00 to catch the bus and the baby will be screaming all night. all the attention will be dircted to "it" and it will be DECMBER16 oras I call it 9 9MORE DAYS TILL' CRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wich means about all there monny will be spent on the baby and all the suplys! plez give me advice. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese! :angry:
omg, I sooo remember that feeling. My parents didnt care if I was looking on the Playboy site (I was 7 at the time) They would be taking care of Timothy, trying to make sure he was OK. At 5 years old he doesn't get as much attention but still a good chunk of it

Dont worry, it will pass after the First one or two years :angry:

BTW this was 2001

I've never been in this situation but Maybe (this might of been said aldreay but im too tired to read posts). But anyway maybe if you help your parents look after the baby youll probably get more attention then theyll probably have time to buy you xmas presies :)

my mom will be expecting a baby soon. the due date is december 16 2007. well one, I wake up at 5:00 to catch the bus and the baby will be screaming all night. all the attention will be dircted to "it" and it will be DECMBER16 oras I call it 9 9MORE DAYS TILL' CRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wich means about all there monny will be spent on the baby and all the suplys! plez give me advice. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese! :)
Lucky u!I wish I had a bro~

Congratulations on the exciting news! :]Just because there's a baby on its way doesn't mean that you won't get any attention! You'll parents will love you both equally.

If you're not going to get any sleep, maybe take a nap when you can. Not during class though! ;D

It doesn't take THAT much money to buy baby stuff... I'm sure you're parents will get you what you want.

Maybe you should tell them how you feel. And just remember; think about the baby, not just yourself.

Good luck! =D
But here's the problem. it will cost alot of monny because they have to buy a crib $100, pillows $5, blankets $8, matresses $50,bed spreds $30, stuffed animals $3, milk $4,toys$8, bottles $3, dipers $10, baby powder $5, baby wipes $3, clothes, docter apointments, medicines, and not to ,mention washing clothes that makes the launry detergent run out faster and makes the water bill run up! :blink:

Ps . the prices are estamates.

But here's the problem. it will cost alot of monny because they have to buy a crib $100, pillows $5, blankets $8, matresses $50,bed spreds $30, stuffed animals $3, milk $4,toys$8, bottles $3, dipers $10, baby powder $5, baby wipes $3, clothes, docter apointments, medicines, and not to ,mention washing clothes that makes the launry detergent run out faster and makes the water bill run up! :blink: Ps . the prices are estamates.
Okay I will agree with you. A baby does cost a bit to not only prepare for, but to care for. But remember too you were a baby once. Your parents probably spent just as much on you as they will on your new sibling. So that for one is equality.

Second infants need a lot of protection and attention for the first year or so. I know this because I have a nephew who is going to be 7 months at the end of April. He's a hand full, but that's how all babies are.

Third, be grateful they are healthy, and for having a younger sibling. I'm the younger one in my family. My sister was 10 and a half when I was born. You will be treated accordingly by your parents. You're grown up more than your sibling. Being a bit more independent and even helping take care of the child will look better on you then complaining about not getting enough attention and other nonsense.

I'm sure all of it will get sorted out. I suggest if you must be this worried about this situation to talk with your parents about it. Tell them how freaked you are and ask them how the family will deal with the new addition. Be productive instead of reactive. Your reaction to this child seems like you are not happy to have this new addition.

Finally, December 2007 is still aways away. You have time. Stop overreacting and get to planning :D

my mom will be expecting a baby soon. the due date is december 16 2007. well one, I wake up at 5:00 to catch the bus and the baby will be screaming all night. all the attention will be dircted to "it" and it will be DECMBER16 oras I call it 9 9MORE DAYS TILL' CRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wich means about all there monny will be spent on the baby and all the suplys! plez give me advice. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese! :furawatchi:
my mum had a baby hes 6 months now and she gets us stuff eqully but i guess babys need new stuff eveymin beace they sick no there cloths and they get to big for this to big for that i think its just life :furawatchi:


I'd be happy for my mom. <_<

I only have one little brother.

I was five when he was born.

I remember helping my mom... with everything!

(Except for the diaper o_O)

And when your new baby sister/ brother is born, remember that te attention won't last for too long.

And if you help your mom out, she will be happy to give some attention to you too!

Best wishes!


I felt that way before, You don't haft to worry babies are the best gifts you can ever get. They're sweet and cute.You now have a bigger responsibility to them. I love babies very much there are lots of sweet sides to them and you can hold them as if they were little puppies and kittens!


I remember when I was eight I had a new baby sister.

She had nice blue eyes and had a little nose and mouth.

She was the size of a small tiny sack filled with three potatoes! I wish you best luck with the new baby. You can always video tape them and show it to there friends!

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That's awesome news!

Do you know how many years I've been wishing that mum would have a third child? Sigh...I guess some things weren't meant to be... T.T

But my best friend Milly's auntie just had a little baby boy and he's a little cute stuff! OMG...I love babies! I did spend a lot of time with lil Victoria before...

Do you seriously care aboiut your getting presents more than your mother bringing a new person into this world and having the supplies to keep this person alive??

About the sleep, theres not much you can do. You'll just have to go to bed earlier so you can get more sleep. ^_^

Congrads! ^^

Sure it may be hard, but think of how much fun you'll have!

Make sure you help your parents out sometimes- they may seem like they don't appreciate what you do but trust me THEY DO!!!

And they love you very much!

Personaly, I wish my mom would adopt a baby girl. I want a sister that can come to me for advice about life, love.... and whatever else she can think of! xD That'd be so awsome- although she'd be 13 years younger than me. o.o Oh well, makes it all the better. ^^

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