Baby stories/pics


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Jul 29, 2006
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Okay, well the title's pretty simple.

Do you have any cute/funny/scary/ etc etc baby stories or baby pictures of you?

(I put this in the seriously non tamatalk section because there could be pictures of other members here)

Come on and share!

(I'll post mine later because right now i am hungry =D)


Well when I was born I nearly died. They had to do an emergency caezarian (sp?). And then I nearly broke my neck a few 2 or 3 years later.

I did have photos on the computer somewhere, but I can't find them...

Um I was a normal baby.

Sometimes I wonder how my siblings got messed up if I turned out perfect :(


I remember once mum told me that she was in the shops, I was in the pram and I came out of the pram and almost fell but I grabbed onto the handle and was hanging there for like 5 mins, waiting to be saved. Man, I was strong those days.

I dont have any ''baby'' puctures on my computer, but heres one of me when I was 4:

I was born a normal Baby. At least I think I was. xD

I was 5 lbs and 4 ounces, and 19 inches long. September 16th 1993


[Me Wearing my Dad's Cowboy Hat. Around 9 months old]


[Me and My best friend, I was around 1 yr and 2 months old, my friend was 2 months old]


[Don't know how Old I was. Around a Year I guess. I <3 this Face....xD]


[Me, 4 Days Old]


[My Sister and I, Playing on the SNES. Well, I wasn't. I was watching. Around 4 months old I was]


[My Mom, I think She was 22-23 yrs old in the Pic. I was a Year Old, Fell asleep in my cake on my birthday...Lol]

I have this really cute picture of me eating a green bean. :]

I miss those days. I have no worries or anything; I'm just a little person whose main concern is trying to get the green bean into my mouth.

Now that I think about it, I haven't changed much. .

I was born a normal Baby. At least I think I was. xDI was 5 lbs and 4 ounces, and 19 inches long. September 16th 1993


[Me Wearing my Dad's Cowboy Hat. Around 9 months old]


[Me and My best friend, I was around 1 yr and 2 months old, my friend was 2 months old]


[Don't know how Old I was. Around a Year I guess. I <3 this Face....xD]


  [Me, 4 Days Old]


[My Sister and I, Playing on the SNES. Well, I wasn't. I was watching. Around 4 months old I was]


[My Mom, I think She was 22-23 yrs old in the Pic. I was a Year Old, Fell asleep in my cake on my birthday...Lol]
awww you were so cute!! And you fell asleep in your birthday cake :p

I was born in Newfounland (canada) in 1996, I have some pics of me:

me, I'm actually on the toilet but I cut out that part xD

on the beach.. eating ice cream.. messily (if that's a word)

all I know is that I was a bad baby.. messy, and people called me"tess the mess" :angry:

I also liked attention, so one time I wanted to be on the news, :p so we were driving to the airport on th highway, and I hd some paper and markers with me, and I wrote "HELP ME" and put it up against the window, so that people would call the police and I would be on the news. :rolleyes: :p Ten everyone who drove by kept honking and giving my parents weird looks and they're like "Why is everyone staring at us?" and they lookedback at me and saw my big bold "Help me" sign on the window.

I could've been abducted from home at a very young age :eek:

EDIT- I had very spirally hair

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I was born September, 14, 1994; 11:58PM. 8 lbs, 8 oz, 20 inches.

I was a problem child from the start. I was born by caesarian section, so I was scheduled to be born in the early hours of the morning on September 15th. All my paper work was prepared by the nurses for the 15th. Somehow the doctor took me out a few minutes early, giving me the birthday of September 14th. The nurses were really mad, because they had to change all my paper work. x3

Though I had a pretty high birth weight, for the first few months, I LOST weight because I couldn't keep any food down.

Uh... well, I never wanted to give up bottles. I was drinking them until I was almost 3. My parents said that they would line them up in my crib when I was old enought to drink on my own - I'd go through almost eight a night.

I didn't sleep through the night until I was almost 3 years old as well. I either needed to be rocked, or have someone in the room with me. At all times. My poor parents. xD

Well. I was born at 1.13am but daddy made them change it so it said 1.15am because hes scared of the number 13. My sister came about an hour later. Natrual birth.

I screamed almost non-stop for the first month.

My first word was 'Sh!t' well first real word. I'd been saying ma and da for a while.

Story- Mum and daddy were sitting eating dinner and me and Jordii were up on our high chairs. Mum knocked her side plate and it broke and she said 'Oh sh!t' then I being myself picked up my now empty bowl and threw it with all my baby might and announced 'Sh!t' and every so often i'd say 'Maaaa. Sh!t' or 'Daaaa, Sh!t' I was awesome.

I also had a bad habit of throwing myself off thing. Gravity liked me, still does. I would be on the deck and fall off or stand up and go right back down and whack my head on things. I turned out ok.

When I was 2 my daddy left a bottle of beer on the deck and I drank it all before he realised and I got tipsy and taken to the hospital.

I'll try to put baby pics on the computer later. I was a cute baby.

I don't really have stories xP

Or pictures of when I was actually a baby. Just like 4-5 years old.

My now ex-bestfriend of 15 years when we were 4 and 5. I'm in the lion king sleeping bag xP


I think I was 5 in this one..

My cousin and I camping

A beach in California. 5ish?


I had huge eyes when I was little XD That's my grandpa. Same day as with my cousin.


I don't really have that many stories :3

I was born on October 9th, 1994 at 7:23pm.

I was a normal baby except for when I was born, my heart was beating so fast that the heartrate machine wouldn't register it, and that if I were to have any problems, I would have been airlifted to the IWK.

The only other problems I had as a kid was that I needed to get my tonsils removed when I was six, and I missed a lot of Grade Primary. I also refused to talk for most of the time I was healing xD

I'd be like, "Mommy, I don't feel like talking today."


If I ever get pictures on my computer, I'll post them.

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I had a kidney Reflux when I was born..Whatever that may be.. I might post some pics depends on how I'm feeling.

I was born at 8 at night, and my first word was Daddy. :lol:


I'll find a picture later, I don't have any right now.

I don't have any pictures of me on this computer. For some reason I remember one time when I was really, really young...I don't know if I could speak, but at daycare when the assistant/daughter served me my mac and cheese I just batted it off the table onto the floor. I'm not really sure why I did that, but I remember her asking me why I did that, and I remember a hand that I think was mine flailing...-shrug-

I also have these pictures of me playing with plastic pizza, four of them taken at once...first I was chomping normally, second I looked straight at the camera, third I was chomping slightly worse than normal, and then the fourth I was kind of murdering the poor pizza plastic.

Guhh. I was born ten days before my due date...-shrug-

Well, I was born at 5:45pm on June 9th 1997.And my first word was Banana x3
I wish my first word was something fun like that XD

My mom doesn't remember my first word, lol. She only remembers my sister's because it was epic, and inappropriate for TT xP

I guess a fact I can add is I was born at 10:01pm.

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