bad day at school


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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2008
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today at school in science class these to girls were sitting next to me(and they are so rude!) and somehow they found out that I have autisim and I go to a special ed class. I told them no(even though I am) and they kept laughing at me! what should I do? or will I be teased for a forth year in a row? :p

normally i would i would say:

[SIZE=14pt]RETALIATE !!!!!!!!![/SIZE]

buuuttt from first hand experience im gonna tell u that its not gonna turn out pretty

s0o watchu do is just ignore them

and agree to what they say :kuribotchi:

cuz if u keep denying them and saying "noo" and keep acting all bothered by it then their gonna keep doing it

just like say "yea sure,ur right that is true" and give a smile to it

show them that it doesnt bother you

and they'll stopp teasing u

and this is a lesson that will prob help you in the long run when your older :)

hope i helped :)


Ignore them. And get your seat moved.

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^ xDD

If it gets out of control, tell a teacher or any other trusted adult. They will help you. But the best thing to do is just ignore it and they will get bored and stop.

Meanwhile, you might want to ask the teacher for a new spot in class, just in case. :kuribotchi:

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Ugh. More dumb girls who make fun of people to make themselves be superior.

Tell an adult you trust. That'll take care of it.

If they made fun of you again, say "Why do you care if I have autism? So what?" If they give you a stupid answer (which probably you will be giving) just say "Wow...".

i would say "yeah i have autism. you got a problem with that?" then right as they go to open there mouth, say " didnt think so." then walk away. if they bug you again tell them to take a flying hike and to leave you alone. saying that cant get you in trouble. i mean what are they going to do, tell the principle " excuse me! that one girl told us to leave her alone because we made fun of her disabilitys!!"

i wouldnt suggest moving away

cuz if u do then that'll make u look like ur scared or bothered by them

lol but no wait i change my mind i think you should move b4 it get out of hand

normally i would call upon my many friends a.k.a. the entire 6th (now 7th) grade and they would be shunned and spat on. But that probably wouldn't work in your case. So I would shun them on my own and perform rituals that will cause them to bleed out their ears and bellybuttons.

Honestly the answer to your question is quite possibly, yes. Some kids find teasing others fun and esteem boosting. Kids are cruel now. It's unbelievable. As long as there is something different about someone, kids will tease that person. The difference is, the way you react. Instead of denying it, accept it and tell them the truth. It will probably be very hard in the beginning, but if you get used to saying that you have autism, then people will see that you are comfortable being you.

If you have trouble knowing what to say, just tell them, "I just need some extra help sometimes."

Being nonchalant about it will let them see that you just are the way you are.

Know too, that you are cleary much stronger than those who tease you. Every single day that you deal with people teasing just proves that you are strong on the inside.

If they are saying hurtful things that you just cannot deal with though, telling an adult or someone who can help is a good idea.

Stay strong! I know you can.

You cannot control the things that other people say or the way that they act, but you can control those things in yourself.

If they bring it up again, I would say something along the lines of, "I can't help the way I was born, but you can help the way you're acting right now." You don't have to be mean about it, but standing up for yourself will show them that they can't just push you around. Don't deny that you have autism; it will only make things worse, because then they'll find out that you're lying and that will only make it worse. You have nothing to hide! Autism isn't something that you chose for yourself, and you shouldn't have to hide parts of yourself just because other people are dumb.

If they still bother you, try talking to your teacher after class, or telling another adult that you trust what's going on and how it makes you feel; a parent, a principal, a counselor, another teacher, all of these people will know the best way to handle these kinds of situations.

Above all else, keep your head up! Don't let a few insecure girls ruin things for you, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it either! There are some things that we just can't handle by ourselves.

today at school in science class these to girls were sitting next to me(and they are so rude!) and somehow they found out that I have autisim and I go to a special ed class. I told them no (even though I am) and they kept laughing at me! what should I do? or will I be teased for a forth year in a row? :)
Ask for your seat to be moved.

..and don't worry. I'm teased a lot because some kids think I have special needs. I don't but they just assume that because I actually aknolage the fact that kids that do have them exist.

Don't let other people bully you. Stand up for yourself if they do it again. Tell them you don't like them teasing you and you won't hesitate to tell on them as many times at it takes.

Good luck! :angry:

Honestly the answer to your question is quite possibly, yes. Some kids find teasing others fun and esteem boosting. Kids are cruel now. It's unbelievable.
Now? Not even close. Kids were just awful about disabilties and other differences when I was growing up too. I think the only thing kids didn't make fun of even back when I was young was glasses, because they became quite popular to wear and a lot of people had there was little point.

But yeah. They were awful when I was growing up so your statement is false.

Anyway there's been a lot of great feedback in this topic about how to handle this problem. And I agree with most of it :unsure: Unfortunately people will poke fun at things they don't understand.

Either those girls will either learn about it and accept someone they know has a learning disability, or they'll be ignorant knobs for the rest of their lives. Either way, karma will get them.

Ugh. More dumb girls who make fun of people to make themselves be superior.
Tell an adult you trust. That'll take care of it.

If they made fun of you again, say "Why do you care if I have autism? So what?" If they give you a stupid answer (which probably you will be giving) just say "Wow...".
I agree with SIC! ^_^

today was great! I told them that I have autisim, but there are still strengths in having it. now they want to be my friends!


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Im glad to hear it =DD

Good luck for the rest of the year! :hitodetchi:

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today was great! I told them that I have autisim, but there are still strengths in having it. now they want to be my friends! :hitodetchi:

Just don't be surprised if it turns out to be what I call, a "cheesy friendship."

Although I'm happy for you!

And if you want, tell them that Einstein had Asperger's (sp?) syndrome! That's why he was so focused on his work!

today was great! I told them that I have autisim, but there are still strengths in having it. now they want to be my friends! :p
Well I'm glad it worked out for you :huh: Ugh. I just can't stand people who think it's so funny to make fun of everyone else. I'm glad that maybe these girls weren't so bad after all, and were just those ignorant types who don't really know a thing about autism. Good for you for standing up to them! -_-

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